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Herbs and spices

Herbs, spices in South Africa

Introduction Herbs and spices are used for enriching what we eat and for delighting the tongue. It is the seasoning and flavouring of food brings out all the variety and tapestry of regions, nations, continents. The increasing demand in developed countries for natural flavour offers tremendous potential for spice crops as sources of natural flavours. […]


Cotton farming in South Africa

Introduction Cotton remains one of the most versatile crops grown by humanity, noted for its appearance, comfort and the many useful products it provides. From the seed: flour and feed, refined oil (salad and cooking), margarine, soap and cosmetics, writing materials, rayon industrial fabrics, yarns, plastics, lamp and candle wicks, twine, rugs, mops, furniture upholstery […]

Bamboo Farming

Introduction If you were asked to list a hundred things you could do with bamboo, your first thought might be that bamboo poles can be tied together to make a fence, a bridge, a shack or some kind of settlement. Bamboo’s uses do indeed include construction (the costs of bamboo dwellings compare very favourably with […]

Pork and Pig Farming

Introduction There is much ignorance about pigs, and so we open this page with some basics. Many people think pigs like to be in dirty pens with only mud to stand in. Pigs roll in mud to protect themselves against the sun and extreme temperatures and against parasites such as flies. It is not necessary for pigs […]

Animal husbandry

Introduction In addition to the pages in the “Livestock” section, the reader is also referred to pages elsewhere on this website like “Animal feeds”, “Animal health” and “Precision livestock farming”. The livestock sector accounts for nearly 50% of the total value of agriculture (Sihlobo, 2024; BFAP, 2021). From a food and income security point of […]

Speciality fertilisers

Introduction “Group 3 fertiliser” is a natural or synthetic substance or organism/s that improve/s the growth or yield of plants or the physical, chemical or biological conditions of the soil and does not qualify for registration as a group 1 or 2 fertiliser. This includes: Biofertiliser (Fungi, Mycorrhizae, bacteria) Soil enhancers (water retention) Fulvic and […]

Seeds and seedlings

Introduction Aspects to consider when deciding what to plant Environment Make sure the soil is suitable for the proposed crops. Take into account soil depth, texture, acidity and salinity. Study the rainfall and temperature pattern over the various seasons when deciding which crop can be grown successfully at different times of the year. Planting dates […]

Fuels and lubricants

A fuel-tax rebate exists for VAT registered farmers, who can claim money back on their diesel purchases — 40% from the fuel levy and 100% from the Road Accident Fund levy. Find the Diesel Refund Guide, downloadable in pdf format, on Introduction  What kind of engine oil should I use in my farm equipment? The equipment owner […]

Animal health

Introduction Animal health includes the use of measures like vaccinations, dosing and dips to safeguard farming enterprises. These precautions amount to less than 7% of the farmer’s total expenditure. To avoid essential preventative treatment and spending is to act unwisely. Animal diseases and parasites are bad news for the economy, to say nothing of human […]

Vehicles – other

Associations Involved Automobile Association (AA) Automobile Manufacturers Employers Organisation (AMEO) c/o NAAMSA (see below) Automotive Industry Development Centre Automotive Industry Export Council Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) The CAA regulates aviation in South Africa and provides official information for the aviation industry. Commercial Aviation Association of South Africa Find the link to affiliate associations e.g. Airports & Aerodromes Association of […]