The serious business of eating in the city

By Craig Macaskill   Posted 2017-06-05   In Blog       You are probably aware of how dependent people in the city are on supermarkets (and other shops) and the supply chains for their food. And as we head towards a scenario of 75% of the earth’s population being city dwellers, urban agriculture certainly assumes high priority. Urban agriculture […]

Exchange rates and agriculture

By Craig Macaskill   Posted 2017-06-05   In Blog       The South African currency, the rand (ZAR) is significantly worth less than it was a year ago. What are the implications for agriculture? It is good news for exporters because they are paid in the currencies which are stronger than the local one. It is good news for grain producers as grain […]

Toys for pigs

By Craig Macaskill   Posted 2017-06-05   In Blog       Were you bored at school? From your own experience you may recall certain teachers — the way they dressed, spoke, smiled (or did not smile). You may remember the smell of the classroom, the view through the windows … worse, the whole experience might just be a blank! […]

What’s for dinner, luv?

By Craig Macaskill   Posted 2017-06-05   In Blog       Four blocks from where I live is an intersection on Louis Botha Avenue where unemployed men wait during the day, hoping that someone will offer them a job. That’s not permanent employment, just something to keep hunger at bay. South Africa is food secure as a country — […]

Mandela day and going beyond ourselves

By Craig Macaskill   Posted 2017-06-05   In Blog       The 18 July is Nelson Mandela day and is observed internationally. People are encouraged to make a change somewhere by volunteering 67 minutes of their time and expertise. A rather cynical piece popped up in the day’s wake, Mandela Day: a post-colonial exercise in the commodification of the good […]

Rhodes and skelms in Africa

By Craig Macaskill   Posted 2017-06-05   In Blog       Note for our international readers: “skelm” is a South African word meaning “scoundrel” or “worthless fellow”.   Were you aware that the month of May is “Africa Month”? Government has been encouraging South Africans to participate in the celebration, which will culminate in Africa Day on 24 May at […]

What value do you place on agricultural land?

By Craig Macaskill   Posted 2017-06-05   In Blog       What do you like about farm life? Most people would mention the sense of space and sky that stand in contrast to the urban living conditions.  The Afrikaans agricultural weekly magazine Landbouweekblad reported last week that the world’s largest cattle farm is on the market. Situated in Southern Australia, Anna Creek […]

AMCU, FAWU and Numsa to strike again for 1% pay rise

By Craig Macaskill   Posted 2017-06-05   In Blog       Just kidding. But it is the amount that the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK are on strike for. Here in South Africa it is more common to demand double digit pay rises. The Communication Workers Union (CWU), for example, is currently demanding a 15% pay rise.  The strikes […]

Farm Africa: six phases in making money from aquaculture

By Craig Macaskill   Posted 2017-06-05   In Blog       Farm Africa is an NGO working with communities in Africa to “end hunger … grow farming”. Its July newsletter includes an 8-minute video on aquaculture, farming with fish. The video takes the viewer through 6 stages, from building the small dam to harvesting this vital source of protein. I enjoyed […]

The story of your life in 18 minutes

By Craig Macaskill   Posted 2017-06-05   In Blog       How would you tell the story of your life in 18 minutes? Think about it for a moment. The spotlight is shining on you and an audience of several hundred are watching. Where would you begin? Imagine telling the story of the world in 18 minutes. It’s what David Christian does. […]