And so say all of us!
By Craig Macaskill Posted 2017-06-05 In Blog South Africa’s cumulative trade deficit was R71.4-billion [USD 6.2-billion] in 2013. A year later, according to the South African Revenue Service (Sars), it was R95.3-billion [USD 8.3-billion]. We’re going in the wrong direction. So a slight feeling of relief then at the news that in the month of […]
R3-million research fund launched in the Western Cape
By Craig Macaskill Posted 2017-06-05 In Blog The Western Cape’s alternative crops received a boost this week when the provincial government announced the launch of a R3-million research fund to run for this financial year. The aim is to strengthen exports and land reform around these crops which include berries, fynbos, honeybush and pomegranates. They are export-orientated and have high […]
Introduction Milling is the agro-processing end of the grain industry. Milling grain involves breaking the grain open so that the bran and endosperm are separated, and then processed for further uses. White maize and wheat flour milling are the core business in milling, while associated business are baking, pasta, wet milling (see next heading), animal […]