Co-operatives help people to help themselves

By Craig Macaskill Posted 2018-06-28 In Blog There is little appreciation for the importance, significance and potential of the co-operatives model in South Africa, Dr Rob Davies told an audience in Durban over the weekend. Addressing the International Cooperatives Day event, the Minister of Trade & Industry spoke again of additional measures in the pipeline to […]
Farmers, bankers, conservationists (part 2)

Some farmers might seem to make it all look so easy! Perhaps they do, but it wouldn’t do them justice to leave it there. The ease with which everything comes together speaks of much that went before – but we’ll get to that shortly
Farmers, bankers, conservationists (part 3)

Upon arrival at Treetops Farm, we had refreshments and the first of the presentations.
Farmers, bankers, conservationists (part 1)

I was part of a press contingent ushered to various projects in KwaZulu-Natal last week – 12th and 13th November. Our hosts were a combined team from Nedbank and World Wide Fund for Nature South Africa (WWF SA)
When decisions are placed in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong

By Craig Macaskill Posted 2018-06-22 In Blog John Hume, “The Man Who Bred 1000 Rhino”. Photo used courtesy of Quintus Strauss Practical solutions for the rhino crisis In the past 26 years, South African John Hume, aged 76, has bred 1,279 white rhinos on his private property, and is currently protecting 1,626 rhinos of which […]
June 5: a new marker

June 5 2016 is the first International Day for the Fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUU).
Juicy maggots

By Craig Macaskill Posted 2018-06-05 In Blog There are places in the world where people eat insects, yes … But why not feed insects to the usual livestock – fish, chickens and so on? AgriProtein, a South African company, and others in the USA, France and Canada are going into the farming of flies full […]