A Permaculture Garden for The Farm Community

By Craig Macaskill   Posted 2018-09-17   In Blog Press release  At the SanLucar citrus farm in Rooihoogte (Western Cape), the company promotes long-term agriculture – an inspiring project that not only provides fresh and healthy food, but also offers new perspectives.  Alphonso´s working day begins at dawn: Under loud clucking he gets his hens going. Their mobile coop is located […]

Understanding employment obligations and the law – immigrants in South Africa

By Craig Macaskill   Posted 2018-09-06   In Blog     By Kirsten Eiser, a Partner & Cherise Walker, a Candidate Attorney at Webber Wentzel Many people, throughout Africa, look at South Africa as a place which offers socio-economic opportunities; and as a result, it has become home to many inter-regional and inter-continental migrants seeking gainful employment. What many employers […]