New beeginnings: innovative hive design set to revitalise local beekeeping

By Craig Macaskill   Posted 2018-12-11   In Blog    Local beekeeping is currently faced with a range of challenges, including adverse weather conditions and the rapid decline in bee numbers worldwide – which is a global concern seeing as bees pollinate crops that are produced for human consumption. The cheap price of low-quality imported “honey” is also a threat to […]

Understanding the local cannabis industry – “weeding” out confusion

By Craig Macaskill   Posted 2018-12-10   In Blog       By Mandi Krebs (left), Associate at Hogan Lovells, South Africa Following the recent landmark decision of the South African Constitutional Court, in which the private and personal use of cannabis was decriminalised, together with the publication of guidelines regarding the cultivation of cannabis for medical, scientific and clinical […]

Overberg media trip: setting the stage (part 1)

I had done a quick reconnaissance of Napier, the Overberg Renosterveld and fynbos before setting out on the field trip – but no amount of desk research prepares you for the open spaces of the Overberg!