Natural progression from live animal to carcass to meat:
- Animals are transported, offloaded and kept for slaughter in a manner that does not involve unnecessary pain.
- Clean water is provided continuously.
- Depending on the time they have to wait for slaughtering, food, in accordance with their needs, is provided.
- The animals are handled in a humane way at all times.
- Inspectors perform an ante mortem examination to determine if the animals are healthy and ready for slaughtering.
- Sick animals are isolated and dead animals are disposed of by an acceptable method which may include rendering, burning or denaturation.
- Care is taken that only meat from healthy animals reaches the consumer.
- All animals are inspected to determine whether they have any latent diseases.
- A routine meat inspection is done on the carcass and offal of each animal by trained meat inspectors.
- Carcasses are now classified. Meat is classified to provide the consumer information relating to the age and fat thickness on the carcass.
- After final approval, the carcasses are chilled immediately to stop germs/micro organisms from multiplying or causing accidental contamination. Meat is now kept cold and the temperature is kept constant until the product reaches the consumer. (It is important not to break the cold chain from after slaughtering until the meat is cooked and consumed).
- During the entire process, hands are washed regularly, instruments are sterilised (boiled) and clean protective clothes are worn daily.
- All surfaces coming into contact with meat are cleaned and sanitized on a routine basis.
- The health care of the workers handling the meat is a high priority to eliminate problems with regard to germs/micro organisms or contagious diseases that can be transmitted to the meat.
- A great effort is made to make certain that meat leaving the abattoir is clean, safe, nutritious and in a wholesome condition to ensure a relatively long shelf life.
Animal welfare
National Society Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA)
“How many abattoirs adhere to the clauses that animals must not experience unnecessary pain, have continuous access to clean water and be provided with food if kept for longer periods of time?” This is among the questions asked by meat inspectors and the NSPCA. Visit
International business environment
There have been great fluctuations in world meat prices between 2020 and 2023. These have been attributed to:
- Supply and demand shocks following Covid-19
- High inflation levels and matching high interest rates
- Geopolitical tensions, the Russia-Ukraine war in particular
- Dry conditions in the US which caused herd reduction
- High feed costs
- Widespread Avian Influenza (AI)
Meat prices peaked in 2022. Since then sheep, beef and poultry prices went down. Pork prices increased further as a result of supply reduction from the EU, a response to constraints in the regulatory environment.
Source: Bureau for Food & Agricultural Policy (BFAP) Baseline 2024-2033
Further reference:
- The latest Livestock and Poultry: World Markets and Trade by the Foreign Agricultural Service arm of the US Department of Agriculture looks at the global supply and demand of chicken, beef and pork.
- Visit the website of the International Meat Secretariat (IMS) – The IMS brings together meat and livestock organisations throughout the world.
- Google “World Meat Congress” to find details of the next annual event.
- An international website is
- – website of the International Organization for Standardization. There are ISO standards which give assurance of the quality of meat and meat products from recognised abattoirs.
- – website of the American Meat Science Association
- Included in the annual Bureau for Food & Agricultural Policy (BFAP) Baseline is a comparative look at the different meat sorts and the global picture of how well they are doing. Find the document at
South Africa: imports and exports
Find the document “Export Requirements – How to Access Export Markets for the Trade of Red Meat and Meat Products” at The document looks at
- Responsibilities of the Veterinary Authorities
- General Requirements
- Specific Import Requirements: (i) The components as part of the registration process of the farms/feedlots (ii) The Private Veterinarian’s responsibilities (iii) The minimum standards for a farm/feedlot (registered unit).
Local business environment
Download the Red Meat Industry Report December 2024 at
Production for the local meat market was affected by feed prices for livestock. The local average feed price increased by 41% between 2020 and 2022, and dropped by 7% afterwards. The depreciation in the exchange rate and drought conditions which affected the summer crop in 2024 meant that feed prices were slower to come down than anticipated.
Gains in meat prices are limited by constraints in consumer spending power. Since meat is amongst the higher cost items in a typical food basket, consumers look for affordability and value for money.
Over the next ten years it is the consumption of pork (20%), chicken (18%) and beef (17%) that is expected to grow the fastest. Half of the additional meat consumed by 2033 will be chicken.
Source: Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) 2024-2033 Baseline
Register on the RMIS Traceability Platform at This applies to farmers, livestock owners, auction houses, abattoirs, testing stations and others.
South Africa has approximately 431 abattoirs slaughtering cattle, pigs and sheep on an annual basis [Find the DALRRD list of abattoirs (2021, November) on its website,]. Approximately 40% of all slaughterings are performed by abattoirs that may slaughter an unlimited number of animals (Class A) and approximately 60% of cattle are slaughtered by highly regulated abattoirs (Class A & B). Most of these abattoirs have linkages with feedlots. South Africa’s meat imports exceed her exports, making the country a net importer. Local markets include butcheries, supermarkets, hotels, institutions, colleges, schools and restaurants.
Source: A Profile of the South African Beef Market Value Chain
Further reference:
- Slaughter statistics can be found at, website of the Agricultural Levy Services.
- Keep your eye on websites like and
- The latest Abstract of Agricultural Statistics includes categories like “Cattle numbers, numbers slaughtered and average prices of beef”, “Production and consumption of veal”, “Sheep, lambs and goats – numbers slaughtered at abattoirs, average prices of mutton, production and consumption”. Find it on
- The annual Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) Baseline includes an overview of meat under “Outlook for animal products”. Find the document at
- Market outlooks can also be found in the agricultural weeklies – Landbouweekblad and Farmer’s Weekly – or visit their websites: and
For the newcomer
- Find the pamphlet “Information on how to build a new abattoir” at
NaLFA SA, a rebranding of NERPO, works for the “growth and meaningful participation of black farmers in all value chain nodes from primary production, trading, feedlot, and abattoirs”. See
Photo used courtesy of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD)
National strategy and government contacts
The pre-condition of an effective animal health system that receives the overall buy-in and support from all social partners, with government accepting its responsibility in driving the health system, will create opportunities for inclusive growth and the creation of jobs in the meat value chain (BFAP, 2021).
The Agriculture and Agro-processing Master Plan (AAMP) follows on from the National Development Plan (NDP), in encouraging the country to tap into the huge potential in the meat value chain, particularly the informal livestock market. Strategically placed abattoirs and training in production standards, meat quality and value added products could assist smallholder farmers and rural development.
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) Find the Abattoir lists, Veterinary Public Health Manuals and other information at Application forms, Guidelines and contacts at DALRRD are all available.
Legislation governing the prevention of cruelty to animals specifically pertaining to transport, stunning and sticking of animals at abattoirs include:
- The Animal Protection Act
- Meat Safety Act (Act 40 of 2000)
Regulation 73 under the Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act no. 40 of 2000) prescribes the following regarding stunning pistols: (i) The abattoir owner must ensure that the captive bolt pistol is silenced, in a good state of repair and that it is used according to the methods approved by the national executive officer; and (ii) The correct grade of cartridge for the type of animal must be used to ensure maximum bolt speed and penetration of the skull.
The meat inspectors are responsible for the welfare of animals at abattoirs. When stunning devices and operators are not proficient or adequate, animals suffer whilst being slaughtered. For a simple outline of these Acts refer to
Other relevant legislation:
- Agricultural Product Standards Act (Act 119 of 1990)
- Animal Diseases Act (Act 35 of 1984)
- Animal Identification Act (Act 6 of 2002)
- Fertilisers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act (Act 36 of 1984)
- Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act, 1972 (Act 54 of 1972)
- The Health Act
- The Water Act
- Local Authority Health Regulations
- The Livestock Theft Act
- Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Act (Act 19 of 1982)
Directorate: Food Safety & Quality Assurance This directorate is responsible for setting national standards, including those for abattoirs.
Department of Health The food control section within the department is responsible for ensuring the safety of food in South Africa.
National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) Relevant Statutory Measures, registration forms, abattoir levy forms etc can be obtained from the Red Meat Levy Admin company (details under “Associations involved” heading).
Guidelines for the processed meat industry as laid out in SANS 885 specify the handling, preparation, processing, packaging, refrigeration, freezing, chilling and storage of processed meat products.
South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)
Guidelines for the processed meat industry as laid out in SANS 885 specify the handling, preparation, processing, packaging, refrigeration, freezing, chilling and storage of processed meat products.
Further SABS Standards applicable to this industry: (i) (SABS 0331) Translocation of certain species of wild herbivore (ii) (SANS 10391:2004) The welfare of wild animals transported by sea (iii) (SANS 1884-1:2004) Holding Pens for temporary housing of animals – Part 1 (iv) (SANS 1884-2:2007) Holding Pens for temporary housing of animals – Part 2 (v) (SANS 1884-3:2008) Holding Pens for temporary housing of animals – Part 3 (vi) Food Safety Certification programmes as well as Product Certification: Eurepgap, BRC, HACCP, ISO 22000 (vii) Microbiological examination of foods
Further reference:
- For more legislation, codes and standards see
Associations involved
Find details of the Red Meat Abattoir Association (RMAA), the Red Meat Industry Services (RMIS) and other associations and industry bodies under the Role players heading further down this page.
Training and research
Learnerships and apprenticeships are a combination of on-the-job learning along with some theoretical training. The major part of the training can be offered on the farm. Find information on learnerships on the “Agricultural education & training” page, or at (under “Skills delivery” option). Find the links, also on the AgriSETA website, to the following qualifications: (i) National Certificate: Abattoir Slaughtering Processes (ii) National Certificate: Abattoir Supervision (iii) National Certificate: General Abattoir Processes (iv) Further Education and Training Certificate: Meat Classification (v) Further Education and Training Certificate: Meat Examination.
Training provided by the Red Meat Abattoir Association (RMAA) and its Abattoir Skills Training company includes: 1. Animal handling 2. Auditors Course 3. Basic introduction to the Abattoir Industry 4. Beef slaughter 5. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) 6. HACCP Awareness 7. HMS & HACCP 8. Hygiene Awareness 9. Introductory Abattoir Hygiene Course 10. Meat Inspection (Refresher Course) 11. Pork Slaughter 12. Small Stock Slaughter. Learnerships include FETC Meat Examination and NC General Abattoir Processes. Bursaries for the training of health officers are also available. The RMAA also assists members apply for Discretionary Grant funding from AgriSETA. For more information visit the RMAA website,
Agricultural Colleges like Grootfontein Agricultural Development Institute do abattoir training. Find the list of these colleges in the “Agricultural education and training” page.
Find details of other training providers and researchers under the Role players heading further down this page.
Role players
Further reference:
- For cold storage, see the “Packaging and handling systems” page.
- lists numerous abattoirs, meat suppliers and butcheries across the country.
Websites and publications
Visit the websites of the associations mentioned earlier on this page e.g. and
- Consult the National Agricultural Marketing Council’s Trade Probe reports at Frequently you will find aspects of the meat sector covered.
- Refer to the latest annual A Profile of the South African Beef Market Value Chain and other livestock value chain publications on the DALRRD website at
- Also on the DALRRD website are the following: “Import requirements for fresh meat”, “Procedures for the export of fresh meat”, “Buy with confidence … Buy approved meat”, “Our meat is safe”, “Safe meat” and “Slaughterings and consumer confidence”.
- is “Your News and Information portal to the Abattoir, Butchery, Meat Processing and Deli Industries”. Find the latest annual Butcher Buyers Guide on the website.
- Publications like the following are available at the RMAA (see (i) Manual for the Abattoir Industry – a manual which describes all aspects of the abattoir industry and is an ideal source of reference for any person involved in the abattoir industry; (ii) Meat Inspectors Manual: Red Meat – this manual contains the minimum norm of required knowledge for all persons involved with hygiene control and meat inspection at abattoirs. It also serves as a valuable reference with regard to diseases and condemnations; (iii) FOA [United Nation’s Food and Agricultural Organisation] Manual on Meat Inspection for Developing Countries is strongly recommended for training and reference purposes.
- Call 012 842 4017 or email iaeinfo [at] for the following publications, available from ARC-Agricultural Engineering: (i) Mishanteringshandleiding vir intensiewe diereproduksie-eenhede in SA (ii) Processing of Meat Products (Russians, tongue, hamburger patties, polony, frankfurters, bacon, ham, sausages).
- Siebert, T. 2018. Red meat processing. Farmlink. Available at
- A number of booklets are available from SAMIC: (i) Info for new meat traders (2nd one in Afrikaans) (ii) Duties and Functions of Abattoir managers regarding the welfare of animals. (iii) Duties and Functions of Abattoir managers regarding the welfare of pigs. (iv) A guideline for the use of prodders and stunning devices in abattoirs. The above booklets are also available from the NSPCA. Tel: 011 907 3590/1/2
- Download the latest edition of Rooivleis/Red Meat at
- Current legislation allows for cultural, traditional or religious slaughter. The role of the SPCA is to ensure the humane treatment of the animals and that the process is checked from the loading of the animals through to their arrival at the venue and the actual slaughter. Relevant websites are, and For a list of Halaal abattoirs visit and
- Lymbery, P & Oakeshott, I. 2014. Farmaggedon: The True Cost of Cheap Meat. London: Bloomsbury. Find the Dagbreek: Landbousake interview with Lymberry here along with RPO rejoinders.
- for recipes, articles and information on the Cleaver Awards for butcheries.
- Mzansi Meat Growing meat from cells instead of taking it from animals
- Read about the Meat Free Monday campaign at See what you think of the rebuttal at
Some articles
- Read blogs like “Outsourced energy solutions crucial to helping food manufacturers navigate a tough and uncertain economy” and “Outsourcing builds a resilient operation” at
- Thorne S. 2024, October 11.”Storm brewing for meat lovers in South Africa”. BusinessTech. Available at
- Reporter. 2024, July 15. “South Africa’s finest butcheries honoured at the 19th Cleaver Awards”. Bizcommunity. Available at
- Dube N. 2023, November 30. “SA’s meat industry re-emerges from cold storage”. Business Day. Available at
- Staff Writer. 2022, September 4. “South Africa’s strict rules for boerewors and burgers must be enforced”. My Broadband. Available at
- Maqhina M. 2022, August 14. “Traditional Affairs Minister says there is no national legislation yet on animal slaughtering”. Cape Times. Available at
- Reuters. 2020, June 30. “Coming soon to a 3D printer near you: Plant-based steaks”. Eye Witness News. Available at
- Dean S. 2020, April 5. “Inside a family-run abattoir that slaughters 800 cattle a day”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at