Agricultural metaphors

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Energy doesn’t just disappear. It goes somewhere. So does life. Life is energy. And you are both.

We may nod and agree intellectually … yes, yes … but does this assent go deeper, help us process the impulses behind our selves and what we are?

You don’t just disappear. Our pasts need to be processed, understood, detoxicated. And even if you completely discount the idea that you have lived before, we exist in a social and historical context. What comes before has a bearing on your being. We are affected by what happens upstream.

Agriculture’s provisions are as immediate as the food on our plates, but it also provides metaphors which point to beyond our daily bread. St Paul said that what we sow we reap. An agricultural metaphor for what we are. What life is. It’s not an academic question as it determines our very destiny. Where are you putting your attention? What are you investing in?