Final approval for merger between VKB and GWK

The merger between VKB and GWK received final approval by the relevant regulatory authorities, including competition authorities, after the final suspensive conditions required for the transaction were fulfilled. This means that these two agricultural groups will operate as a new, combined group starting on 31 May 2023. A joint notice and outline of the finalisation […]

Palmer amaranth and resistance: an evil duo that can be beaten

An American variant of the well-known pigweed can severely impact local food production. However, Ingrid Boshoff, technical lead: herbicides at Syngenta South Africa, explains how this weed can be successfully controlled and eradicated when early, quick and effective action is taken.

Disrupting power generation for the future

What if there was a viable alternative to internal combustion engines; one that can be quickly adapted for different applications, from maritime to agriculture, the motor industry and more?