Beefmaster Group invests in Kimberley’s skills capacity

The South African government continually emphasises the important role that artisan training plays in the quest to improve the high unemployment rate in the country.
Farmers in South Africa face power cuts and a weak rand – but a number of factors are working in their favour too

Winter is an important season for South African agriculture, with some of its key field crops being produced during the cold months of June, July and August, and maturing after that, with harvesting in December.
Implement those tariffs now, Mr Patel

If the government was in any doubt about the difficulties facing the South African chicken industry, they should have been removed by the profit warning from the country’s largest poultry producer, Astral Foods.
FUCHS to showcase AGRIFARM lubricant range at NAMPO 2023

The AGRIFARM lubricant range for agricultural machines, which must deliver top performance daily, will be showcased by FUCHS LUBRICANTS SOUTH AFRICA at Grain SA’s NAMPO Harvest Day 2023.
How harvested wood products can create climate friendly solutions

Despite misinformation to the contrary, using wood from sustainably managed forests to make things like paper and packaging can help the environment.
From Farm to Fork: Why Traceability is Key to a Sustainable Future in South African Agriculture

Traceability has become a crucial element of food safety and quality assurance in agriculture. International governments and consumers are increasingly concerned about the safety and validity of claims about the produce they import and consume.
The Ripple Effect of Youth Entrepreneurship: The Story of a Wattle-Based Charcoal Business

Depending on where you live in South Africa, you may not know of the overgrowth of alien wattle trees in parts of the country.
Livestock are threatened by predators – but shepherding may be an effective solution

Killing predators may decrease their numbers in the short term. But there is no evidence that it is an effective way to protect livestock in the long term.
Africa’s energy sector will need to transform radically – these are the five biggest challenges

The future of Africa’s energy sector is getting increasing attention from policymakers and the private sector. As demand for energy rises, current energy systems must grow rapidly to meet it.
Catfish in Nigeria: we set about finding ways of making it more appealing

African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) farming in Nigeria: lessons for South Africa?