How do I market my sugar beans?

It’s been a while since we shared correspondence we get from visitors looking for pointers. The above is one from this morning
Ready … Set … Come experience it!

It is with great excitement and a sense of relief that Grain SA’s took notice of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s address last week announcing the adjusted Level 1 regulations, which came into effect and allowing the 2022 NAMPO Harvest Day to be hosted from 16-20 May 2022 at 50% of NAMPO Park’s capacity.
Ukraine crisis: Government must suspend fuel levies to relieve pressure on food prices

Agri SA’s research and analysis has revealed that that the Ukraine-Russia crisis will have a serious impact on South Africa’s food security and poses very real risks to parts of the agricultural sector.
Tackling Youth Unemployment in Free State

The lives of 30 young people in the under-resourced Free State communities of Kroonstad and Bultfontein will soon be transformed, thanks to the generous support from Woolworths.
How Russia-Ukraine conflict could influence Africa’s food supplies

No man qualifies as a statesman who is entirely ignorant of the problems of wheat.
Emerging farmers are the real winners in Sakhumnotho’s majority stake acquisition of African Seeds Group.

African Seeds Group (ASG) firmly entrenched its position as the leading seeds supplier to the South African institutional and emerging farming sectors, through an investment by Sakhumnotho Group Holdings, a world-class Pan-African investment holding company, the group announced today.
Rozy Saw it Through the Grapevine!

The unique Iona Wine Farm is situated in Elgin in the Western Cape, surrounded by the UNESCO-certified Kogelberg Biosphere. It is the highest altitude winery in Elgin and home to the coolest-growing season vineyards in South Africa.
CBD usage and attitudes in South Africa: research reveals strong consumer interest in the category

For the past four years there has been a growing demand in the cannabinoid or CBD market, fuelled by increasing global trends and changing local legislation.
State of the SA Poultry Industry

In a year beset by problems ranging from chicken dumping and illegal imports to avian influenza and Coronavirus lockdowns, the South African Poultry Association (SAPA) has made some decisive improvements to the poultry sector, the effects of which resound throughout the value-chain.
South Africa should design economic policy based on strengths of regions: here’s how

Economists and policy-makers seem to have a blind spot when thinking about how the economy functions and what determines success. Analytical frameworks and government policies consistently neglect the role of space and geography in favour of national averages and sectoral plans.