WPF releases free training on feeding chickens
Free training materials – videos, infographics, and flip charts – available online.
Drought is devastating southern Africa’s crops …
Why it’s happening and what can be learned
Climate change is a challenge for small-scale farmers …
How a mix of old and new techniques produced a superior maize harvest in a dry part of South Africa
The role of AI in the agricultural revolution and risks of change
AI’s influence over the agriculture sector is already having profound effects on global food supply and consumption
Plant disease could spell apocalypse for citrus fruits
Billions of dollars have already been invested over the last two decades to combat the disease worldwide.
Enterprise iLembe hosts 5th Urban Agri World Summit
Developing innovative technologies, sustainable urban farming practices … to address food security and sustained urban livelihoods.
Progress made in management of foot and mouth disease
Reported cases have begun to decline, with the last clinical case reported in mid-July.
Uncertainty rises as the local agriculture sector faces increased risks
Investments, such as a fleet of rail cars and a direct pipeline from Sasol, ensure operational stability and cost control, helping farmers …
Poor South African households can’t afford nutritious food – what can be done
Cities cannot solve the problem of food insecurity and nutrition alone.
Update on Foot and Mouth Disease in Eastern Cape: Declaration of Disease Management Area
A Disease Management Area (DMA) declared which includes parts of the Kouga and Kou-kamma Municipalities.