In Blog

Rustler’s Valley (part I)the rumour Rustler’s before Earthrise Trust
Rustler’s Valley (Part II)What problem do you most want to solve? Possibilities: a sketch by Gino Govender (Earthrise Trust)
Rustler’s Valley (Part III)the hike An early morning look at the scenery that has drawn visitors for decades
Rustler’s Valley (Part IV)return to the lodge Jappie Lephatsi speaks his heart about the land and its people
Rustler’s Valley (part V)the children Looking after the future
Rustler’s Valley (part VI)Naledi Village Farmers’ Co-operative We are introduced to the different enterprises
Rustler’s Valley (part VII)nurseries and a healing centre A vision to heal
Rustler’s Valley (part VIII)view from a neighbour A commercial farmer’s thoughts
Rustler’s Valley (part IX)Conversations An afternoon at the fireside (and other interaction)
Rustler’s Valley (conclusion)the Conversation A look at the significance of what is happening