Markets selling agricultural products have been with humankind for many thousands of years. They have adapted and changed over time but the fundamental reason for their existence has never changed i.e. where supply and demand meet to establish a value for a product so that a sale can be made.
There are different types of agricultural markets, such as farmers’ markets where the farmer is on hand to sell his products, or wholesale markets where a wholesaler has purchased the products from the farmers and sells those products for a profit, or a commission markets where market agents sells the products on behalf of the farmers.
In South Africa we have the added option of Informal Markets which are a feature of our national landscape as they can be found along main roads, outside bus stations, taxi ranks, alongside existing fresh produce markets and in rural towns. Informal Markets in various forms can also be found in many African countries. In this country they are essentially wholesale markets, as the vendors have purchased their products from farmers or the bigger markets to resell again to the public and tourists. They are classified as Informal Markets because they are not subject to the same formal structures and laws that govern the fresh produce markets.
Markets traditionally sold all farm products but as times changed so did the selling and distribution requirements of agricultural products. Specialisation has become the key and in this country we now have fresh produce markets, flower markets and livestock markets (auctions).
We thank the late Michael Cordes for notes supplied to Agribook and used on this page.
Local business environment
According to the annual Abstract of Agricultural Statistics (DALRRD, 2024), the vegetables sold most at the fresh produce markets are:
- Potatoes 43.4%
- Onions 16.1%
- Tomatoes 10.9%
- Cabbages 6.9%
- Carrots 5.5%
- Butternut squashes 3%
- Pumpkins 2.3%
- Beetroot 1.9%
Statistics are also given for gem squashes, sweet potatoes, green beans, Hubbard squashes, cucumbers and lettuce.
There are four different categories of ownership/management of the National Fresh Produce Markets (NFPMs) (refer to the heading “The fresh produce markets and their role players” further down).
Registered Market Agents sell produce on behalf of farmers. They are governed by the Agricultural Produce Agents Act No. 12 of 1992 (amended 2003) which prescribes, amongst other requirements, how they will handle the farmer’s money. These agents register with the Agricultural Produce Agents Council (APAC) and after complying with certain requirements of Act 12 can open for business.
The Act requires a Market Agency to open a Trust Account on behalf of its farmers thereby ensuring that their money is controlled and regulated. Market Agents must submit a Trust Account Reconciliation to APAC every month. Market Agents must by law pay their farmers within 5 working days after completing the sale of a consignment.
Act 12 also provides for a Market Agents’ Fidelity Fund to which only they contribute annually and which guarantees farmers’ money under specified circumstances. Find the notes on the Fidelity Fund and when a farmer can claim against it further down this page.
How do NFPMs operate?
- Farmers deliver produce to the market facilities;
- Sales of fresh produce facilitated by fresh produce market agents;
- Market agents charge commission fee of 5 – 7.5% of turnover per sale; and
- Municipalities charge market
By reacting to the laws of supply and demand on a daily basis, fresh produce commission markets remain the purest form of price establishment available to farmers and buyers.
Find the list of registered fresh produce market agencies at
A closer look at National Fresh Produce Markets (NFPMs)
The importance of NFPMs
NFPMs are a public marketing infrastructure that are key for food security and Local Economic Development (LED).
- Low-cost marketing channel for farmers;
- Provide trading facilities for fresh produce industry stakeholders;
- Outlet where large buyers procure fruits & vegetables;
- Suppliers to hawkers – LED;
- Price forming mechanism; and
- Revenue generating asset
NFPMs sold 3.4 million tons of fresh vegetables and fruits with a turnover of R17 billion in 2019.
- Lack of continuity and stability at market management level ;
- Majority of municipality unwilling to reinvest a portion of 5% market revenue onto market;
- Municipalities not recognising the market as their core mandate;
- Changing the attitudes of some market management and market agents remains a huge challenge;
- An effective and well organised South African Union of Food Markets (SAUFM) is a key requirement towards the successful implementation of the Codes of Best Practice (CoBP);
- The ability of market agents and sales persons to uphold ethical trading practices and implement the CoBP;
- Failure of BEE agencies to survive for longer periods due to lack of product supply from farmers; and
- Failure to obtain full cooperation by all Municipalities and gazetting of CoBPs under the leadership of the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA).
Source: Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development meeting (2021, March 2). See
Fidelity Fund
The Department of Agriculture established a Fidelity Fund many years ago at the request of Fresh Produce Market Commission Agents in the event of there not being sufficient funds in the Trust Account to pay the farmers, or if a market agent was found guilty of any fraudulent actions with farmers’ money. In such cases a farmer who has sold his fresh produce through a registered commission agent may claim for his losses from the Fidelity Fund. Market Commission Agents pay a levy each year determined by APAC which is based on their annual turnover. It is part of APAC’s function to administer and control this Fidelity Fund in terms of Act 12.
The Fidelity Fund guarantees a farmer’s money. This system of financial security for South African farmers is unique in the world.
When can a farmer claim against the Fidelity Fund?
Act 12 makes provision for a farmer to claim for financial losses under the following circumstances:
- When there are insufficient funds in the Trust Account to pay the farmer
- When a market agent is found guilty of fraud or any misconduct involving the farmer’s products
A farmer who wishes to make a claim against the Fidelity Fund must do so within three (3) months of the alleged offence. Full details are available from APAC.
Trust Account
In terms of the Act a Market Agency must open a Trust Account at a registered banking institution on behalf of their farmers. This Trust Account has only two purposes:
- To deposit the proceeds from the sales of farmers’ products; and
- To pay the farmers.
It must be a separate bank account from the Market Agency’s normal business account. Every Market Agency must submit a Trust Account reconciliation to APAC monthly before the 21st. The Trust Account therefore, controls the farmer’s money.
When does a farmer get paid?
- Rule 25 of Act 12 stipulates that if a consignment of fresh produce is not fully sold within three business days after the receipt thereof, the fresh produce agent must inform the producer of the extent and condition of the unsold quantity.
- Rule 26 of Act 12 stipulates that a fresh produce agent shall within 5 business days after having sold the produce pay the farmer as well as issue a statement with detail such as date of receipt of the consignment, kind and class of fresh produce, the amount and nature of each deduction, the amount of commission deducted, etc.
The most important difference that sets our commission markets apart from others (wholesale markets) – locally or abroad – is the security of payment for producers – see earlier note. This security is vital in a country as large and as diverse as ours. Producers hail from the farthest corners of our land, distances to markets are often great and personal contact between farmer and agent can be limited at times. The knowledge that his money is safe and that legislation requires the agent to pay him within 5 working days ensures that a farmer can market his produce with confidence.
This is very important in a South African context when seen against the background of our commercial farmers and the many thousands of small-scale future farmers. The former are geared for commercial farming and most have the ‘tools’ for marketing. But a future, resource poor farmer has to struggle with many obstacles before landing his produce on the market floor. He generally will not have the marketing skills of his commercial neighbour so protection of his money on the market is absolutely essential.
Another benefit of our fresh produce commission markets is the competition which exists on the floor between producers, products, packaging, presentation, quality, the market agents and the buyers. There is probably no better way for a farmer to learn about the complexities of fresh produce marketing than to have his/her produce on a market floor competing against so many other producers.
Source: Michael Cordes
National strategy and government contact
- Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) Directorate: Inspection Services
- DALRRD Directorate: Marketing
Read about the “collaborative effort between Government and the fresh produce industry to improve and revive the operations and service standards of NFPMs across the country” (DALRRD, 2021). Project Rebirth has been adopted to revive the operations and service standards of struggling markets and consists of 5 phases. Find details of these in the above mentioned committee meeting.
Read about the Agricultural Produce Agents Act (Act 12 of 1992) under the Agricultural Produce Agents Council (APAC) bullet point below.
Read about requirements for Food Business Operators (FBOs) at This is a prerequisite for, amongst others, retailers and municipal markets.
- Agricultural Produce Agents Council (APAC)
In terms of the Agricultural Produce Agents Act. Act 12 of 1992 (amended 2003) the Minister of Agriculture is required to establish an Agricultural Produce Agents Council (APAC) – a Statutory Body – to administer the Act on behalf of the Minister. An amendment is in the pipeline. Look for the draft Agricultural Agents Amendment Bill, 2020 (not yet an Act in 2021) on the internet. The basic reason for having the Act and for the establishment of APAC is because Agricultural Produce Commission Agents act on behalf of their clients – farmers – in a financial capacity and the Act is there to protect the farmers’ interests.
Members of the Council are appointed by the Minister and represent role players in the marketing of fresh produce as well as appropriate Government departments. In terms of the Act any person who wishes to trade as an agricultural produce commission agent must register with APAC.
- National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
The NAMC is a Statutory Body established in terms of the Marketing Act to advise the Minister of Agriculture on matters regarding the marketing of all agricultural products.
- National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS)
An entity of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) is “to administer compulsory specifications and other technical regulations with the view to protect human health, safety, the environment and ensure fair trade in accordance with government policies and guidelines”.
- National Department of Health
Another piece of legislation that applies to fresh produce markets is Regulation R638 under the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act. This Regulation outlines hygiene requirements for food handling establishments.
- Also involved is the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA)
The fresh produce markets
There are four categories of NFPMs in terms of ownership/management:
Department/business units
- Tshwane Tel: 012 358 2398
- Sol Plaatjie (formerly Kimberley) Tel: 053 830 6662
- Port Elizabeth (Nelson Mandela Bay) Tel: 041 461 1409
- East London and King Williams Town (Buffalo City) Tel: 043 705 9500
- Durban (eThekwini) Tel: 031 311 5100 / 40
- Mangaung (formerly Bloemfontein) Tel: 051 410 4500 Find information at
- Pietermaritzburg Tel: 033 392 3400
- Matjhabeng (formerly Welkom) Tel: 057 355 2382
- Matlosana (formerly Klerksdorp) Tel: 018 469 1241
- Springs Tel: 011 999 8861
- Vereeniging Tel: 016 451 1021
Corporatised/municipal entities
- Joburg A satellite market, the Mandela People’s Market, is run on the property giving informal traders the opportunity to generate their own income.
- Kei (Mthatha) Tel: 047 531 1593
Public–private partnerships
- Cape Town (Epping)
Privately owned and operated entities
- George (Eden District) Tel: 044 875 1286
- Nelspruit
- Mpumalanga (Nelspruit) Still to be completed
- Mooketsi
- Polokwane
- Freshlinq Vaal (Vanderbijlpark)
Fresh produce markets role players
- Find the list of registered fresh produce market agencies at
- Details of government and statutory bodies appear under the “National strategy and government contact” heading.
- South African Union of Food Markets (SAUFM)
- Producer bodies e.g. Potatoes SA, Fruit SA, Deciduous Fruit Development Chamber (DFDC)
Role players
Websites and publications
- Watch the latest weekly AMT Fresh Produce Outlook on YouTube.
- Find the twice-monthly ABSA Fresh Produce Market Trends at
- The Linking producers to markets programme and other documents by the Directorate Marketing can be found at On the same website, find the latest Statistics on Fresh Produce Markets and the Codes of Best Practice (COBP) for National Fresh Produce Markets.
- Van Schalkwyk, H.D., Groenewald, J.A., Fraser, G.C.G., Obi, A., Van Tilburg, A, (eds). 2012. Unlocking markets to smallholders: Lessons from South Africa. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- FreshPlaza: global fresh produce news,
- The 2008 Policy Brief “The role of fresh produce markets in South Africa” by the University of Pretoria can be found at
Some articles
- Read the Agribook blogs, “How our National Fresh Produce Markets Contribute to the Economy and the Country’s Food Security“, “Adapting to Change: South Africa’s Fresh Produce Markets” and “RSA Group Secures 100% Food Safety Accreditation at Tshwane Market”
- Sihlobo W. 2025, January 14. “South Africa’s fresh produce markets and competition issues”. Agbiz. Available at
- Jansen C. 2024, October 10. “Photo report Joburg Market: ‘This is about food security. You can’t wait for political stability'”. Fresh Plaza. Available at
- Sabinet. 2024, September 26. “Fresh Produce Market Inquiry extended”. Go Legal. Available at
- Manoko T. 2024, September 9. “Mpumalanga Fresh Produce Market comes to life after decade”. Food for Mzansi. Available at
- Thindisa M. 2024, August 1. “Fresh produce markets suffer under barriers to entry”. Food for Mzansi. Available at
- Price I. 2024, July 19. “BACF pushes for local empowerment in fresh produce markets”. Food for Mzansi. Available at
- Swart C. 2024, March 18. “‘Price collusion and price fixing not an issue on South African fresh produce markets’”. FreshPlaza. Available at
- Mntambo N.2023, December 1. “Power restored at Joburg Market after outage, over R10m estimated in losses”. Eye Witness News. Available at
- Arnoldi M. 2023, March 23. “Fresh Produce Market Inquiry to look into unexplainable food price hikes, market barriers”. Engineering News. Available at
- Arteiro D. 2023, February 20. “10 things you should know about the Fresh Produce Market Inquiry”. Bizcommunity. Available at
- Jansen C. 2022, November 8. “Legal victory should restore confidence in municipal market among producers”. Fresh Plaza. Available at
- Jansen C. 2020, July 20. “Competition Commission concerned by discrepancy between farm and retail prices on fresh produce”. Fresh Plaza. Available at
- Jansen C. 2020, July 8. “South Africa’s fresh produce market system shone during lockdown”. Fresh Plaza. Available at
- Sishua S. 2020, June 5. “‘No justification for vegetable pricing structure in SA’”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- AMT. 2019, July 4. “Hoekom is varsproduktemarkte so belangrik vir pryse?” [Why are fresh produce markets so important for prices?] Landbouweekblad. Available at and
- Reporter. 2018, June 6. “Fresh produce markets an effective link between traders and farmers”. Bizcommunity. Available at
- Jansen, C. 2017, April 10. “South Africa’s unique fresh produce market system”. FreshPlaza. Available at
- Stroebel, L. & Van Zyl, T. 2017, April 12. “Recognising the value of fresh produce market agents to the industry”. Bizcommunity. Available at