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Marketing & Finance


Agricultural Marketing and Finance deals with all aspects of finance and marketing in relation to farming in South Africa.

Before going into production you may need to do research: is there a market for what you intend to produce? How are you going to sell? Who will buy? Marketing is a vital part of farming.

Agricultural shows and events are a good place to do research: to see opportunities, to source equipment and contacts, and to market your products.

Need money to make money? Pages like “Providers of financial services” and “Finance for new farmers and SMMEs” will help.

Agribusinesses give production loans, supply inputs and insurance, and help with marketing too. See our “Agribusiness” page. Co-operatives also provide many services. (What isn’t possible for the individual is possible when many individuals act together).

Selling your product? Exporting is one way. Fresh produce markets and Livestock auctions are others. You may also benefit from knowing about commodity trading.

You will need to consider risks. See “Risk management and insurance“.

Lastly, supply chain management is about the links from farm to fork (or factory to shop for businesses). Reducing costs, making operations more efficient means the final product arrives on time, in good condition, and for a good price.