Unemployment and the associated lack of food security are the greatest crises facing South Africa. Stats SA (2025) gave the percentage of the working age officially unemployed per province (Fourth Quarter, 2024; Third Quarter, 2024 in brackets) as:
- Eastern Cape – 36,6% (37,2% previously)
- Free State – 37,9% (36,0%)
- Gauteng – 34,4% (from 34,0%)
- KwaZulu-Natal – 28,6% (31,2% previously)
- Limpopo – 31,9% (from 32,6%)
- Mpumalanga – 34,7% (from 36,2%)
- North West – 41,3% (36,8% previous Quarter)
- Northern Cape – 27,4% (from 30,4%)
- Western Cape – 19,6% (from 19,6% previous Quarter)
Where can jobs be created for the population? In the face of stubbornly high levels of unemployment, government has looked to promote growth in labour-absorbing industries such as agriculture (Sihlobo & Kapuya, 2025). Some agricultural sectors have met and gone beyond the targets set by the National Development Plan (2011) [see the annual Bureau for Food & Agricultural Policy (BFAP) Baselines], but the challenge remains.
Let’s take a look at how agriculture does in the provinces, and sketch what agricultural activities occur …
Eastern Cape
The Eastern Cape is the second largest province (after the Northern Cape) and accounts for 9,7% of South Africa’s agricultural production (Sihlobo, 2019). It has the third largest share of the country’s commercial agricultural land (37,1%) (Stats SA, 2020). With plentiful grassland and (usually) good rainfalls, the Eastern Cape hosts the largest percentage of the country’s livestock – 39% of its goats, 30% of its sheep and 25% of its cattle (DALRRD, 2023). It is the most important province when it comes to wool and mohair production. It has 18,6% of the country’s milk producers, and with the largest average dairy herd accounts for 29,5% of the country’s milk, the top contributor from the provinces (Milk SA, 2024). It has 6,1% of the country’s broilers (SAPA, 2024). After Limpopo and the Northern Cape, this province hosts the most number of game farms.
A wide variety of crops are cultivated. These include:
- Maize, lucerne, dry beans, sunflower, chicory, sugar beet, olives, hemp, flax, tea and sugar cane
- Cabbage, tomatoes, onion, spinach and carrots pumpkins, watermelons and potatoes
- Pineapples, peaches, oranges, lemons, mandarins, apricots, guava, bananas and avocado
The shoreline lends itself to fishing. Squid forms the basis of the province’s fishing industry. There is some recreational and commercial fishing for line fish, the collection of marine resources, and access to line-catches of hake.
Potential agribusiness opportunities are fruit processing, maize milling, meat processing, juice/milk processing, tanneries and taxidermy.
The district municipalities
District/Metropolitan Municipality | Website |
Alfred Nzo | |
Amathole | |
Buffalo City | |
Chris Hani | |
Joe Gqabi | |
Nelson Mandela Bay | |
OR Tambo | |
Sarah Baartman | |
Provincial Department of Agriculture
- Tel: 040 602 5000/6/7
- Website:
Head of Department (acting): Mr B Dayimani – 040 602 5006/7
The website provides contact details for this department and its offices across the Eastern Cape districts.
For more information on the province:
- – the Eastern Cape Provincial Government. See also
- – website of the Eastern Cape Development Corporation
- – the Eastern Cape Socio Economic Consultative Council
- – Agri Eastern Cape
- Eastern Cape Tourism –
Some articles:
- Sihlobo W. 2024, December 4. “Unlocking the Eastern Cape’s agricultural possibilities”. Agricultural Economics Today. Available at
- Staff Reporter. 2024, October 18. “EC launches R80m cropping programme to fight poverty”. Food for Mzansi. Available at
- Reporter. 2024, September 12. “Opportunities for investing in agro-processing and aquaculture in SEZ”. Global Africa Network. Available at
- See the blog “Framework to revitalise Eastern Cape agriculture sector” at
- Tchale H & Engelbrecht L. 2024, January 29. “Unlocking the Agricultural Potential of the Land of the Legends – South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province”. World Bank Blogs. Available at
- Sihlobo W. 2023, May 15. “Poor roads limit South Africa’s agricultural potential”. Agricultural Economics Today. Available at
- The September 2023 Agripreneur includes an article on the Mbizana Rural Enterprise Development (RED) Hub, one of several meant to create a “platform for economic activity in rural areas”. Find the document at
Free State
A quarter of the country’s arable land is in the Free State, and so it is understandable that it has the highest number of farms (Stats SA, 2020), and that agriculture is central to the well-being of the province. The province accounts for 15,2% of the country’s agricultural production (Sihlobo, 2019). In the last agricultural sample survey (2022), Stats SA has the Free State coming in at second place, after the Western Cape, for “income from sales and services … in the agriculture and related services industry” (13.9%) (Stats SA, 2022).
It is a principal producer of summer and winter crops. Major grain and oilseed crops are given here followed by the percentage that the Free State contributed to national production: maize (43,8%), grain sorghum (23,4%), groundnuts (42,2%), sunflower (55,8%), dry beans (27%) and soy beans (43,7%). Some 13,8% of the country’s wheat came from this province too (DALRRD, 2024). Some 19% of the country’s commercial potato producers live in this province, and it is the major potato producer (Potatoes SA, 2024).
The eastern part, which is mountainous and has a temperate climate, is home to the country’s cherry and asparagus sectors. Other deciduous fruit – apples, berries, peaches, plums and apricots – do well here. The south consists of karoo/semi-desert vegetation.
Sheep (20%), cattle (16%), pigs (4%) and other livestock are farmed (DALRRD, 2023). The province has 10,3% of the country’s milk producers and 8% of its dairy processors (Milk SA, 2024). Layers in this province come up with 15,5% of the country’s eggs; the province also produces 10% of our broilers (SAPA, 2024).
The province has established its own private investigators initiative that focuses on livestock theft. See
The district municipalities
District/Metropolitan Municipality | Website |
Fezile Dabi | |
Thabo Mofutsanyana | |
Lejweleputswa | |
Mangaung Metro | |
Xhariep | |
Provincial Department of Agriculture
- Website:
Head of Department: Dr T Masiteng
- Tel: 051 861 8509
- Office Manager – 051 861 8440
- Communication & Information Services – 051 861 8311
For more information on the province:
-, website of the Free State Provincial government
- – Free State Agriculture
- – Department of Economic, Small Business Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs
- Free State Info –
- – Free State Development Corporation
Some articles:
- Ag MIP Impacts Explorer uses agriculture in the Free State to assess “regional small scale and commercial farming systems” with an emphasis on how these will adapt to climate change. See
Gauteng has about 3% of the country’s arable land. The Census of Commercial Agriculture 2017 has Gauteng at the bottom when it comes to the number of farms (5,7%), commercial agricultural land (0,8%) and commercial agriculture employees (4,8%) (Stats SA, 2020). It accounts 4,7% of South Africa’s agricultural production (Sihlobo, 2019). It punches way above its weight when it comes to looking at “income from sales and services … in the agriculture and related services industry”; here Stat SA from the last agricultural survey places Gauteng at 11.8% and in third place (behind the Western Cape and Free State) (Stats SA, 2022).
The province’s agricultural sector is mostly geared to providing the cities and towns with daily fresh produce including vegetables, fruit, meat, eggs, dairy products and flowers.
Nearly a quarter (24,5%) of the country’s egg production happens in Gauteng, as well as 11,6% of its broiler production (SAPA, 2024). The province has 11% of the country’s pigs (DALRRD, 2023), and 17% of South Africa’s commercial pork producers (SAPPO, 2019). Although it does not really feature for milk production, 30,4% of the country’s milk processors and 25,9% of its producer-distributors are found here (Milk SA, 2024). Maize (5,4%) and soybeans (4%) are the major crops (DALRRD, 2024). Some 3% of the country’s commercial potato producers live in this province (PSA, 2024).
Provincial Department of Agriculture
- Tel: 011 240 2500
- Physical: No
56 Eloff Street, Umnotho House, Johannesburg - Email: numerous email addresses can be found on the website
- Website:
Head of Department (acting): Mr Khululekile Mase
On the website find the contact details for the offices at Germiston, Bronkhorstspruit, Suikersbosrand, Pretoria, Temba and the Ntirhisano Walk-in Centre.
For more information on the province:
- Agri Gauteng – [website not working, Jan 2025]
- Gauteng Provincial Government –
- Gauteng Growth and Development Agency –
- Gauteng Tourism –
Some articles:
- Daily Investor. 2024, December 12. “People in one province pay nearly half of all personal income tax in South Africa”. Daily Investor. Available at
- Hamann C & Seedat R. 2024, October 23. “Quality of life continues to slide in South Africa’s key economic province, Gauteng – new survey”. The Conversation. Available at
- Reporter. 2024, March 4. “Gauteng emerging farmers urged to apply for funding”. Bizcommunity. Available at
The province is home to a significant percentage of South Africa’s small-scale farmers. It has good rainfall, fertile soils and three different geographic areas: the lowland region along the Indian Ocean, plains in the central region, and two mountainous areas—the Drakensberg and the Lebombo mountains. This translates to a range of agricultural activities. Of the 6,5 million hectares of farming land, 18% is good for crops and 82% suitable for livestock activities. KwaZulu-Natal accounts for 8,5% of South Africa’s agricultural production (Sihlobo, 2019). In the last agricultural sample survey (2022), Stats SA puts KZN at 10.3% for “income from sales and services … in the agriculture and related services industry” (Stats SA, 2022).
After the Western Cape, KwaZulu-Natal provides the most number of agricultural jobs in South Africa – 16,5% (Cowling, 2024).
The province’s trademark agricultural commodity is sugar cane, with soybeans (7,9%) and maize (5,9%) being other major field crops (DALRRD, 2024). Larger than the province’s maize sector and with an annual trade worth around R62-million, indigenous medicinal plants is a commodity flying below the radar. KwaZulu-Natal accounts for 18% of the country’s avocados (Subtrop, 2023) and boasts 16% of the country’s potato producers (PSA, 2024). It has the second largest portion of hectares in the country planted with macadamia trees, accounting for 28.1% of total production (SAMAC, 2023), and the province grows 10% of the country’s grapefruit (CGA, 2024). Other subtropical fruit and vegetables are grown, while the areas around Vryheid, Eshowe, Richmond and Harding are used for forestry.
Livestock does well in this province. The midlands area is known for its dairy farms, 20,6% of the country’s milk producers living in this province. KwaZulu-Natal produces 28,3% of the nation’s milk, and 11% of the country’s dairy producer-distributors and 15,2% of its milk processors live in this province (Milk SA, 2024). KwaZulu-Natal has 19% of the country’s cattle, 13% of its goats and 11% of its pigs (DALRRD, 2023). Interestingly, KwaZulu-Natal has the highest number – 36% – of South Africa’s commercial pork producers (SAPPO, 2019). It has 12% of the country’s layers (eggs) and 7,7% of its broilers (SAPA, 2024).
Provincial Department of Agriculture
- Tel: 033 355 9100
- Website:
Head of Department: Mr Zibusiso Dlamini
- Tel: 033 355 9690
A full list of contact details for all local and district offices, research stations, veterinary services and extension and advisory services and more can be found on the website.
For more information on the province:
- KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government –
- Trade and Investment KwaZulu-Natal –
- – Kwanalu agricultural union
- KwaZulu-Natal Tourism – and
- KwaZulu-Natal Department of Economic Development, Tourism & Environmental Affairs –
Some articles:
- Staff Reporter. 2024, October 17. “KZN launches multi-planting season to fight poverty”. Food for Mzansi. Available at
- Reporter. 2024, April 19. “Programme to assist KZN small-scale farmers to become sustainable commercial businesses”. SA News. Available at
Included in the areas of opportunity in this, the most northern province, are agribusiness and eco-tourism. It shares borders with three neighbouring countries – Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique – which opens the province to further possibilities.
The Census of Commercial Agriculture 2017 has Limpopo near the lower end when it comes to number of farms (3 054 or 7,6%) and commercial agricultural land (3,7%). The Limpopo province accounts for 9,2% of South Africa’s agricultural production (Sihlobo, 2019). After the Western Cape and KZN, Limpopo is the third biggest employer in agriculture with 14% (Cowling, 2024).
The Limpopo province is the largest production area for avocados, accounting for 54% of the total production (Subtrop, 2023). Limpopo has 9% of the hectares planted with macadamia trees in the country (SAMAC, 2025). Limpopo grows 57% of the country’s Valencia oranges, 55% of its grapefruit, 33% of its lemons, 28% of its navel oranges, and 26% of its mandarins (CGA, 2024). It is also a major producer of mangoes, papayas and tomatoes. It also grows bananas, litchis, pineapples, table grapes, a variety of other nuts, and the area has also been known for tea and coffee plantations.
Chief among this province’s contribution to field crops nationally: grain sorghum (35,7%), dry beans (40,7%), groundnuts (6,3%) and sunflower (10,4%) (DALRRD, 2024). Cotton, soy beans and maize are also produced. Limpopo has 27% of the country’s potato producers (PSA, 2024).
Around half of the country’s game farms are in the Limpopo province. Limpopo hosts over 24% of the country’s pigs, 17% of its goats and 7% of its cattle (DALRRD, 2023). Fourteen percent of the country’s milk producer-distributors live here (Milk SA, 2024). It also produces 7,8% of the country’s eggs (SAPA, 2024).
Provincial Department of Agriculture
- Tel: 015 294 3000
- Website:
Head of Department (acting): Ms MA Mashamba
- Tel: 015 294 3147 / 076 960 7886
Contact details for Directorates are available on the website, as are contact details for agricultural offices at all the municipalities within the districts.
The district municipalities
District/Metropolitan Municipality | Website |
Capricorn | |
Mopani | |
Sekhukhune District | |
Vhembi | |
Waterberg | |
For more information on the province:
- – Limpopo Provincial Government
- Invest SA
- – Limpopo Tourism Agency
- – Limpopo Economic Development Agency
Some articles:
- Staff Reporter. 2024, November 29. “Mining permits threaten Limpopo’s ecosystems and agriculture”. Food for Mzansi. Available at
- Machaba T. 2024, November 20. ‘The 4th Limpopo Investment Conference: “Inspiring Inclusive Economic Growth’. Agbiz. Available at
Lying in the east of South Africa, the province’s name means “Place of the rising sun”. The land swells to mountain peaks and breath-taking escarpment, and dropping down to the low-lying area known as the Lowveld. The province borders Mozambique and Swaziland.
Mpumalanga accounts for 13,1% of South Africa’s agricultural production (Sihlobo, 2019). The Census of Commercial Agriculture 2017 has Mpumalanga with 2 823 farms (7,0%). In the last agricultural sample survey (2022), Stats SA puts Mpumalanga at 11.5% for “income from sales and services … in the agriculture and related services industry” (Stats SA, 2022).
Mpumalanga produces 29,1% of the country’s soy beans, 32,6% of its grain sorghum and 23,8 of its maize (DALRRD, 2024). Other major crops include cotton, potatoes and onions. The Lowveld region is renowned for its sugar, citrus and subtropical fruit (bananas, avocados, mangoes). Indeed, Mpumalanga accounts for 22% of South Africa’s avocados (Subtrop, 2023) and 18% of its grapefruit (CGA, 2024). The province has the largest area of hectares in the country planted with macadamia trees (53.8%) (SAMAC, 2025). Litchis, guavas and pineapples are also grown.
Mpumalanga is a major poultry producer: 19,6% of the country’s broilers and 8,2% of its layers come from here (SAPA, 2024). Cattle (10%) and sheep (7%) are included amongst the livestock kept (DALRRD, 2023); 11% of South Africa’s dairy producer-distributors live in Mpumalanga (Milk SA, 2024).
Processing options in Mpumalanga:
In the highveld region:
- Milling and processing of summer and winter cereals
- Extraction of edible oils
- Processing of (1) Maize, (2) Beans (3) deciduous fruit into juices, concentrate, jams and canned fruits
In the lowveld region:
- Sugar refining
- Processing of: (1) fruits into fruit juices and concentrates, jams, canning and drying (2) vegetables into canning, freezing, drying
- Value adding to nuts
- Production of honey
- Processing fruits for input in pharmaceutical industry
- Essential oils from tropical, subtropical and citrus fruits
- Processing of tropical fruit with exotic recipes
Source: Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency
Provincial Department of Agriculture
- Tel: 013 766 6067/8
Head of Department: Mr CM Chunda
- Tel: 013 766 6020
The district municipalities
District/Metropolitan Municipality | Website |
Ehlanzeni | |
Gert Sibande | |
Nkangala | |
For more information on the province:
- Mpumalanga Provincial Government –
- Mpumalanga Tourism –
- Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency (MEGA) –
Some articles:
- See our blog “Scratch-head moments: Agriculture and the plans to move Mpumalanga off coal” at
- Shomolekae T. 2024, December 10. “Ramaphosa meets Mpumalanga leadership, highlights potential of province”. Polity. Available at
- Young J. 2024, August 29. “Mpumalanga is poised to lead a new phase in energy generation”. South African Business. Available at
- Hlakudi M. 2024, August 28. “Citrus, Marijuana May Replace South African Coal Jobs”. BNN Bloomberg. Available at
North West
With around 20% of the country’s arable land, the North West province is a highly productive agricultural area. It accounts for 10,1% of South Africa’s agricultural production (Sihlobo, 2019). According to the Census of Commercial Agriculture 2017 the North West province has 4 920 farms (12,3%) and accounted for 11,5% of the country’s commercial agricultural land. In the last agricultural sample survey (2022), Stats SA put North West at 10.7% for “income from sales and services … in the agriculture and related services industry” (Stats SA, 2022).
The province contributes the following to the national production: maize (12,6%), groundnuts (33,2%), sunflower (31,2%), dry beans (15,8%), soy beans (11%) and grain sorghum (8%) (DALRRD, 2024). Other crops include tobacco, paprika, peppers, cotton and wheat. The province is also a significant vegetable and citrus fruit producer.
The North West province is the biggest player in the poultry sector: 24,5% of the country’s broilers and 11,7% of its layers are situated here (SAPA, 2024). It hosts 20% of its pigs, 13% of the country’s cattle and over 12% of its goats (DALRRD, 2023). Around 6,5% of the country’s milk producers and 6,5% of its dairy processors live in this province (Milk SA, 2024). It also hosts 12% of South Africa’s commercial pork producers (SAPPO, 2019).
The areas around Rustenburg and Brits are fertile mixed-crop farming land. The eastern, wetter part of the province sees a mixture of livestock and crop farming, while the semi-arid central and western part is home mainly to livestock and wildlife farming. Three major irrigation schemes are located on the Crocodile, Vaal and Harts Rivers.
Provincial Department of Agriculture
- Tel: 018 389 5111 / 5719 / 5800
- Physical: Agricentre Building, Corner Dr James Moroka Drive and Stadium Road (Opposite Convention Centre), Mafikeng
- Website: and
Head Of The Department: Mr Thupi Zacharia Mokhatla
- Tel: 018 389 5953
Programmes and contacts:
- Programme 1: Administration – Tel: 018 389 5111 [Provides management services to the department]
- Programme 2: Sustainable Resource Use And Management – Tel: 018 389 5333/ 5405/ 5985 [Agricultural support services to land users to manage natural resources]
- Programme 3: Agricultural Producer Support And Development – Tel: 018 389 5620 [Increase food production through producer support and development initiatives.]
- Programme 4: Veterinary Services – Tel: 018 389 5057/ 5102 [To ensure healthy animals, safe animal products]
- Programme 5: Research And Technology Development Services – Tel: 018 389 6500 [To provide problem-focused and client-centred research]
- Programme 6: Agricultural Economics Services – Tel: 018 389 5872 [To provide timely and relevant agricultural economic services]
- Programme 7: Structural Agricultural Education And Training – Tel: 018 389 5740 [Structured education and training]
- Programme 8: Rural Development – Tel: 018 389 5430/ 543 [Co-ordinates development programmes]The district municipalities
District/Metropolitan Municipality | Contact and website |
Bojanala | 014 592 8261/2 (agriculture) |
Dr Kenneth Kaunda | 018 299 6504 (agriculture) |
Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati | 053 299 6500 (agriculture) |
Ngaka Modiri Molema | 018 389 5943 (agriculture) |
For more information on the province:
- North West (Bokone Bophirima) Provincial Government –
- North West Tourism –
- North West Development Corporation –
- South Africa Venues –
Some articles:
- Libera M. 2025, February 16. “The one province in South Africa with roads so bad they’re a human rights violation”. BusinessTech. Available at
- Tembo P. 2024, December 12. “Bridging education gaps: Sambatha’s vision for NW agriculture”. Food for Mzansi. Available at
Northern Cape
The Northern Cape is the country’s largest and most sparsely populated province, averaging two people in every square kilometre. The Orange River runs through the province, and a healthy agricultural industry follows it to the sea, the Atlantic Ocean forming the western boundary of the province. Apart from the high-lying parts in the south and south-east, the landscape of the province is characterised by vast, arid plains with outcrops of haphazard rock piles.
The Vaalharts Irrigation Scheme covers 369,50 square kilometres in this province.
The Northern Cape accounts 6,4% of South Africa’s agricultural production (Sihlobo, 2019). It produces 20,2% of the country’s groundnuts, 14,2% of its wheat, and 11,7% of its barley (DALRRD, 2024). The Northern Cape accounts for 90% of South Africa’s raisin production (USDA, 2021), and the table grape industry is an important sector. It also grows 7% of the country’s grapefruit (CGA, 2024).
The economy of a large part of the Northern Cape depends on sheep farming, and the province has nearly a quarter (24%) of the country’s sheep (DALRRD, 2023). It is second to Limpopo in the number of game farms. The other main livestock are goats (9%) and cattle (3%) (DALRRD, 2023). A large number of its farms meet export requirements, and the commercialisation of goats is seen as holding much promise for emerging farmers. According to the Census of Commercial Agriculture 2017, the province has 12% of the country’s commercial farms (4 829 farms) and accounts for the largest share of the country’s commercial agricultural land (37,1%) (Stats SA, 2020).
The Northern Cape holds the most promise for renewable energy projects. We wonder if farmers in this sun-drenched province will be allowed to farm energy as well in the future …
Provincial Department of Agriculture
- Tel: 087 630 0387/087 630 0386
- Physical: 162 George Street, Kimberley
- Website:
- Website:
Head of the Department: Ms Moira Marais
Koopmansfontein Research Station: 087 630 0230
Carnavon Research Station: 021 506 7300/1024
The district municipalities
District/Metropolitan Municipality | Contact and website |
Frances Baard | 087 630 0300/1 |
John Taolo Gaetsewe | 087 630 0299 (Mothibistad) 087 630 0352 (Seoding) |
Namakwa | 087 630 0329 |
Pixley Ka Seme | 087 630 0360 |
ZF Mgcawu (Siyanda) | 087 630 0305 |
For more information on the province:
- Northern Cape Provincial Government –
- Northern Cape Tourism –
Some articles:
Reporter. 2024, October 27. “Northern Cape Province: the land of diversity”. South African Business. Available at
Western Cape
The province has three climatic regions. The Cape Peninsula and the Boland further inland is a winter rainfall region with sunny, dry summers. Towards George, along the south coast, the climate gradually changes to year-round rainfall, while inland, towards the more arid Great Karoo, the climate changes to summer rainfall.
Ideal conditions for the cultivation of top-grade fruit, such as apples, table grapes, olives, peaches, mandarins, lemons and oranges exist in the sheltered valleys amongst the mountains. Wines from this province are known all over the world. In the eastern part of the Western Cape, a great variety of vegetables is cultivated. This province accounts for 14% of the country’s potato producers (PSA, 2024).
The Western Cape has 15% of the country’s arable land. Almost all the country’s canola, and most of its barley (82%) and wheat (52,7%) are grown here (DALRRD, 2024).
Ostriches provide meat, leather and feathers. The province is the outlet for the exporting of horses from the country, earning valuable foreign exchange. The inland Karoo region (around Beaufort West) and the Overberg district (around Bredasdorp) produce wool and mutton. The Western Cape is also one of the top pork producers. The province has 12% of the country’s sheep and just under 11% of its pigs (DALRRD, 2023). The highest number of milk producers in the country (33,9%) live here, responsible for 28.3% of South Africa’s milk production; 28% of milk processors and 20,4% of the country’s producer-distributors are found in the Western Cape (Milk SA, 2024). The Western Cape makes for 17,1% of South Africa’s layers and 19,9% of its broilers (SAPA, 2024).
At 23,1%, the Western Cape accounts for the largest slice of South Africa’s agricultural production (Sihlobo, 2019). The Census of Commercial Agriculture 2017 has the province contributing the most to total agricultural income (R64,3 billion or 19,3%) and being by far the largest commercial agriculture employer (186 997 employees or 24,7% of the national total). After the Free State, the province has the most commercial farms, 6 937 (17,3%) (Stats SA, 2020).
The Western Cape boasts 26,1% of the country’s agricultural jobs (Cowling, 2024).
Introduction To Agriculture Western Cape, South Africa (Western Cape Department of Agriculture, 2016)
Provincial Department of Agriculture
- Tel: 021 808 5111
- Physical: Muldersvlei Road, ELSENBURG, 7607
- Website:
- See also:
Head of department: Dr Mogale Sebopetsa
- Tel: 021 808 5005
The Western Cape Department of Agriculture delivers a broad range of services through seven programmes (some of these are split into further sub-programmes):
- Agricultural Economics Services – 021 808 5213
- Agricultural Producer Support and Development – 021 808 5310
- Elsenburg Agricultural Training Institute – 021 808 5451
- External Development Initiatives (EDI) – 021 808 5111
- Research and Technology Development Services – 021 808 7723
- Rural Development – 021 808 5015
- Sustainable Resource Use and Management – 021 808 5009
- Veterinary Services – 021 808 5111
Read about these programmes, the Specialised Services, and Grants and Financial Aid on the website.
The district municipalities
District/Metropolitan Municipality | Website |
Cape Winelands District | |
Central Karoo District | |
Garden Route District | |
Overberg District | |
West Coast District | |
Cape Metropole District | |
The Western Cape Department of Agriculture has the Alternative Crops Fund (ACF) – R3 million per annum – to boost exports and bolster land reform. Alternative, smaller crops include cherries, berries, fynbos, honeybush and pomegranates, to name but a few. These crops have high market value and are export-orientated. Alternative crops are mostly water smart and would therefore be preferred crops against the current, and most probable, dryer and even continued drought conditions in the Western Cape and the rest of South Africa. Promoting alternative crops is also one of the proposed actions of the SmartAgri plan.
- GreenCape – For more information on the province:
- Western Cape Provincial Government –
- Western Cape (WESGRO) –
-, website of Agri Wes-Cape. This includes an interactive map showing what agricultural products are produced where.
Members of the Executive Council (MECs)
Province and MEC | Contact details |
Eastern Cape – Ms Nonceba Kontsiwe | Tel: 040 602 5000/6/7 |
Free State – Ms Elsabé Rockman | Tel: 051 861 8432/01 |
Gauteng – Ms Vuyiswa Ramokgopa | Tel: 011 355 1432 / 1900 |
KwaZulu-Natal – Ms Thembeni Madlopha- Mthethwa | Tel: 031 343 8240 |
Limpopo – Ms Nakedi Grace Kekana | Tel: 015 295 7023 |
Mpumalanga – Ms NE Hlophe | Tel: 013 766 6074 |
North West – Mr Madoda Sambatha | Tel: 018 389 5056 |
Northern Cape – Ms Nomandla Bloem | Tel: 053 838 9100/6 |
Western Cape – Dr Ivan Meyer | Tel: 021 483 4700 |
MinMEC is a forum made up from the MECs of agriculture in the nine provinces. It meets four times a year.
Websites and publications
- View the websites listed on this page.
- Sihlobo W & Kapuya T. 2025, February. Recasting the Jobs Debate in South Africa’s Agricultural Sector. Discussion Paper 02/2025. The Brenthurst Foundation. Available at
- The South African Government Provincial and Local Government Directory at provides contact details for all municipalities across the country.
- From the Global Africa Network find the provincial investment guides and agricultural value chain investment leads. Refer to
- Find the links to the Provincial Departments of Agriculture websites at
- Find a provincial breakdown of livestock slaughterings at, website of Agricultural Levy Services.
- Find the briefing per province in the briefing from the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) (22 November 2022) on the Recapitalisation and Development Programme (RECAP), the success rate of the programme and its total cost to the land reform programme. The presentations shed light on agriculture in the provines.
- South African Government. 2020, March 20. “Statistics South Africa releases Census of Commercial Agriculture 2017 report”. Available at
- Find links to the different provincial governments at and at
- Find the government investment incentives for local and provincial governments at
- Read the National Development Plan at
- The National Council of Provinces (NCOP) provides provinces with a forum in which to engage with the national government on matters concerning areas of shared national and provincial legislative powers. The NCOP also oversees the programmes and activities of national government relating to provincial and local government matters. Find more at
- AMT does provincial feasibility studies e.g. Agricultural/Agroprocessing potential for the Northern Cape and Unlocking of opportunities in the Eastern Cape Province. Visit for more information.
Some articles:
- Read our blog “South Africa’s next big job creators” at
- Luckhoff P. 2024, December 3. “Economy shrinks unexpectedly in Q3, but remember that agriculture was the main drag says economist”. PRIMEDIA+. Available at
- Jacobs S. 2024, July 6. “Three provinces drive South Africa’s economic growth”. Daily Investor. Available at
- Thorne S. 2024, March 26. “The best and worst-run municipalities in South Africa”. BusinessTech. Available at
- Legodi T. 2021, October 6. “Do we really need provinces?”. 702. Available at