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“I would like to do animal production where should I go or do pls help”

 As mentioned in previous blogs, we receive numerous questions from visitors to the website every day. What follows is the reply to the above question.


Dear Nkutlwe

There are a lot of things to consider, but the foremost are: (1) Do you have an affinity to a certain type of livestock? You may have a heart for poultry, for example, or goats. Success in life often comes with a type of inspiration when you feel drawn towards a certain path, career or, in this case, what you want to farm with. (2) Is there a market for the animals or animal product near you? Who will buy them?

Our website gives overviews on the different types of animals. See Another page worth looking at is the marketing one, see The DALRRD Agricultural Marketing Extension papers (there are 9) listed under the Websites & publications heading will be important reading. The papers give ideas of how to sustain your animal production business by making it profitable.

You will need training and/or a mentor, someone who already farms with livestock, or who has experience with them. The agricultural colleges/provincial departments of agriculture provide short courses on a number of topics, as does the ARC. There are many AgriSETA accredited courses too. You can browse the page at It is usually an idea to talk to farmers in the area about their experience. They may alert you to issues, challenges but also point the way to answers that you would not pick up in a book or website.

Best wishes.