Written by Louis Wessels, Chairman of the National Stock Theft Prevention Forum

Stock theft is as old as man himself and is already mentioned in the Bible. Stock theft is not unique to South Africa, but is a worldwide phenomenon.

Various challenges are associated with stock theft:

Do the SAPS have the required capacity to effectively combat stock theft?

As is the case with any other state institution, the SAPS’ stock theft units are hampered by enormous capacity and logistical challenges. Vehicles present the biggest problem, especially in provinces where great distances have to be covered. Servicing of vehicles is a further problem and there are times when all the vehicles of the units have to be serviced at the same time, or that units have only one/two vehicles available at that point in time.

As already mentioned, there are very good investigating officers, but cases also exist where members of the SAPS are directly linked to stock theft matters. Stock theft is a specialist crime and therefore requires well trained stock theft investigators. The rural communities are very concerned about the great exodus of specialist investigating officers who retire, and this matter has been addressed by the National Stock Theft Prevention Forum.

What is the impact of livestock theft on food security?

The economic impact of stock theft in South Africa amounts to millions of rands and it is not limited to the commercial sector alone – if an emerging farmer has a herd of ten cattle, he will experience a loss of 50% in income if five cattle is stolen, which obviously has an influence on the economical survivability of the farming enterprise.

It is not only the economic loss of a stolen animal, but also its reproductive value that gets stolen. Therefore, stock theft presents a direct as well as an indirect economic loss to the livestock owner.

How can we address the problem?

The National Stock Theft Prevention Forum revived its strategic plan during its last meeting, and it was resolved to focus on the next four priorities:-

The existing relationship on national and provincial level with stock theft co-ordinators must be extended and strengthened. Co-operation is of utmost importance because it leads to mutual success in solving stock theft cases.

A solution for stock theft problems in South Africa can only be reached if everybody cooperates.

Read the original article here.

Photo by Tanner Yould on Unsplash

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