Tse leshome: the Rustler’s Valley blogs

By Craig Macaskill   Posted 2018-03-06   In Blog     Rustler’s Valley (part I): the rumour Rustler’s before Earthrise TrustRustler’s Valley (Part II): What problem do you most want to solve? Possibilities: a sketch by Gino Govender (Earthrise Trust)Rustler’s Valley (Part III): the hike An early morning look at the scenery that has drawn visitors for decadesRustler’s Valley (Part IV): return to the lodge Jappie Lephatsi speaks […]

Rustler’s Valley (part I): The Rumour

By Craig Macaskill   Posted 2017-09-13   In Blog       When I was growing up as a kid near Ficksburg in the Eastern Free State, Rustler’s Valley was what its name suggests: a hold out for the lawless; a safe haven from polite society. The local community was scandalised by stories of what transpired behind those there mountains: […]

West Coast media trip: part 1 (setting the stage)

In the week when farmer association KwaNalu reported that there were thousands of oil and gas exploration applications to prospect on KwaZulu-Natal farmland (Farmer’s Weekly 23 Sept 2016), a group of journalists and team assembled by the WWF Nedbank Green Trust were looking at how the possibility of a tungsten mine spurred a group of farmers to have their area classified as a Protected Environment.

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