Bird flu in cattle: What are the concerns surrounding the newly emerging bovine H5N1 influenza virus?
Nitish Boodhoo, University of Guelph The confirmed presence of bird flu in American dairy cattle in a March 25 report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) — and a case in Texas where a human working with cattle was infected — has put Canadian public health experts on high alert. But, what is bird […]
Diseases on farms in South Africa: recent outbreaks point to weaknesses in the system
South Africa has had a number of outbreaks of animal diseases in recent months that suggest there are weaknesses in the country’s biosecurity system.
Bird flu in South Africa: expert explains what’s behind the chicken crisis and what must be done about it
An outbreak of avian flu – a highly contagious viral infection that affects wild birds as well as poultry – has hit poultry farms in South Africa.
World Poultry Foundation online videos to boost biosecurity in African poultry farming
The US-based World Poultry Foundation (WPF) has released a series of training videos to help Africa’s poultry farmers raise healthier birds and so enhance both their profitability and their communities’ nutritional status.
Introduction People don’t think of the far-reaching consequences of an action like bringing fruit illegally across the border, or of buying unmarked pigs at an auction. It might be out of innocence and ignorance that biosecurity measures are flouted, but the revenue lost can amount to billions of rand which can bring a whole sector […]