South Africa initiates WTO dispute against EU citrus blackspot regulations
Press release The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) and the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) have announced that SA has requested consultations with the European Union in the World Trade Organisation in relation to phytosanitary trade regulations imposed on South African citrus by the European Union (EU). This […]
Head of the Food and Agriculture Sector of the Russia-South Africa Business Council assesses co-operation between the two countries
A look at co-operation between South African agriculture and BRICS partner, the Russian Federation.
BRICS Plus 6: a perspective from agriculture
This past week South Africa hosted the BRICS Summit. CGA [Citrus Growers Association] attended the BRICS Business Forum …
South African citrus: new EU rules are unjust and punitive
New, arguably unnecessary phytosanitary requirements for South African citrus imports will severely disrupt exports.
Long-awaited breakthrough as citrus is loaded from Maputo
A significant volume of South Africa’s citrus is produced in the north-eastern parts of the country, located much closer to Mozambique (Maputo) than to Durban where the congestion grows yearly.
South African citrus growers export 161.6 million cartons of fruit despite tough 2021 season
Southern African citrus growers delivered 161.6 million cartons of local citrus across the world during 2021, an increase of 18.6 million cartons when compared to last year, despite an extremely difficult and complex season that put the entire industry under severe strain.
South African citrus celebrates record breaking export season with 146 million cartons of fruit
“Ten months ago, in March 2020, we predicted a bumper export season, estimating that export volumes would reach 143 million cartons of fruit. Now that the final export figures are in, we can announce a record-breaking 2020 export season that delivered 146 million cartons of South African citrus to the rest of the world,” said Justin Chadwick CEO of the Citrus Grower’s Association in South Africa.
Citrus Fruit
Oranges, soft citrus, grapefruit, and lemons and limes