Medicinal plants help keep children healthy in South Africa: 61 species were recorded

In 2021, almost 33 of every 1,000 South African children under five years old died.
South Africa’s traditional medicines should be used in modern health care

Traditional medicines are part of the cultural heritage of many Africans. About 80% of the African continent’s population use these medicines for healthcare.
Africa is a treasure trove of medicinal plants: here are seven that are popular

Africa is endowed with up to 45,000 plant species – about 25% of the world’s plant genetic resources. More than 5,000 plant species from this enormous African resource are used in traditional medicines.
Indigenous medicinal plants

Introduction In the past two decades, the links between bio-cultural diversity and the richness of plant species in South Africa have contributed to ongoing attempts to develop traditional medicines for use in the modern complementary and alternative medicines sector. Eventually this will aid in the discovery of new drug entities for pharmaceutical industries. African traditional […]