Promising SA-first solution to convert paper sludge, food and textile waste into bioethanol

Press release A pioneering solution has been developed to convert cellulose fibre-rich waste from pulp and paper mill operations into ethanol using a specialised fermentation process. Ethanol is a versatile starting material that finds diverse application in the production of industrial chemicals, bio-based plastics and sustainable aviation fuel. The solution was announced on Wednesday (24 […]

South Africa and renewable energy: a 12-year old programme offers insights for countries moving to cleaner power sources

Written by Aalia Cassim, University of the Witwatersrand; Imraan Valodia, University of the Witwatersrand; Julia Taylor, University of the Witwatersrand, and Rod Crompton, University of the Witwatersrand There are many unknowns about how societies will manage the climate transition. And the associated energy transition from fossil fuel-based energy to renewable energy. The climate transition will require significant levels of investment – estimated at […]

Disrupting power generation for the future

What if there was a viable alternative to internal combustion engines; one that can be quickly adapted for different applications, from maritime to agriculture, the motor industry and more?

Addressing skills shortages in the renewable energy sector

The renewable energy sector in South Africa is making strides in providing an alternative energy source for the country’s electricity demand. The sector does however have a challenge to overcome, and that is the shortage of required skills in the industry.