South Africa’s crucial water supplies from Lesotho: what the shutdown means for industry, farming and residents

The main water supply to South Africa’s economic hub, greater Johannesburg in the Gauteng province, and to the country’s breadbasket in the Free State, is scheduled to be cut off for six months.
Water crisis in South Africa: damning report finds 46% contamination, 67% of treatment works near to breaking down
By Craig Macaskill Posted 2023-12-11 In Blog Written by Anja du Plessis, University of South Africa A new report by South Africa’s Department of Water and Sanitation paints a grim picture of the quality of the country’s drinking water, and its water infrastructure. The Blue Drop Audit Report is meant to ensure that water service authorities are held accountable […]
Four Ways Africa’s Driest Countries Improve Water

Three percent of Earth’s water is fresh, and over two-thirds of that tiny amount is unavailable or polluted. The entire human race relies on the remaining 0.5 percent to survive.
WWF Report: Water crisis threatens US$58 trillion in economic value, food security and sustainability

Water, the world’s most precious yet undervalued resource, lies at the heart of a mounting global crisis that threatens both human and planetary health, warns a new report, published today by WWF.
Water security ever more important this World Rivers Day

The looming impact of the El Niño weather phenomenon is predicted to significantly impact rainfall patterns in the current summer of 2023/24 – presenting substantial risk to water security in already water stressed parts of the country.
Agri SA submits objections on “racialised” water use licence regulations

Agri SA has submitted its comments on the proposed Water Use Licence Applications, Amendment and Appeals Regulations that were published on 19 May 2023.
Latest transformation laws underline the disjointed regulatory approach to transformation

In the past month, two publications in the Government Gazettes prompted a strong response from the agricultural sector. The amended Employment Equity Act allows the Minister of Employment and Labour to set employment equity targets in designated sectors for companies with more than 50 employees.
Farming in South Africa is being hobbled by power cuts and poor roads. Rural towns are being hit hardest

A very good summary of where SA agriculture is at and what current issues are.
Peroxsil – helping to secure markets and crop and livestock health

A number of essentials create the environment in which agriculture can prosper …
South Africa’s increasing water stress requires urgent informed actions

Despite progress made, 2 billion people still lack safely managed drinking water and 3.6 billion people still lack safely managed sanitation.