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Were you bored at school? From your own experience you may recall certain teachers — the way they dressed, spoke, smiled (or did not smile). You may remember the smell of the classroom, the view through the windows … worse, the whole experience might just be a blank!

Boredom will result in not performing well in tests and exams, but there can also be negative social interaction as children look elsewhere for something more entertaining, and vandalism, bullying, even drugs can be a consequence.

In the workplace, you will know what happens when colleagues have not bought into the job, the carrots and sticks required to monitor performance.

Like human beings, pigs can also get bored. Scientists have found that toys can stimulate these intelligent animals and make for a happier growing time. Cones and balls (made of pig-friendly material) mounted on the floor and on brackets engage their play instincts and keep them occupied, leading to a significant drop in fighting and tail-biting.

Find the video here, and the article on the WEDA website here.

A page on farming with pigs is included on Agribook.Digital.