Welcome back to work!

“Welcome back to work!” This was your greeting yesterday or last week. Or not.

“Welcome back to work!” This was your greeting yesterday or last week. Or not.

Farming, for example, is a full time job. You can’t switch the cows off, or ask the pigs and other livestock to fend for themselves (unless you run a free range enterprise, but even that statement would require several qualifications).

Hopefully you would have a dependable farm manager or foreman, which would allow you to take a week off some time. Of course this would hold true for other business owners.

Whether you enjoyed a break or will do so during the off season, spare a thought for the many who do not enjoy the dignity of work. Some 34.9% of our population was the last figure by Statistics SA.And these are the people who leave home in the morning to look for work, returning in the evening after another fruitless day – not the discouraged work seekers who have given up finding a job.

Our “Agriculture in the Provinces” page opens by looking at the latest provincial unemployment statistics, before going on to list the main agricultural activities/enterprises per province. And our top performing page over the end-of-year holiday season was the “Careers and employment in Agriculture” one.

Whether you are employer, employed or unemployed, we wish you well for 2022. All the best!

Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash