Our oceans cover nearly three-quarters of the earth’s surface, and produce more than half the oxygen in the atmosphere. Some 97% of our water is here. It is a major influence on weather systems and home of a vast array of marine life – from whales to phytoplankton. Over 3 billion people depend on fish as part of their diet, and about 600 million livelihoods “depend at least partially on fisheries and aquaculture” (FAO, 2022, cited by the World Bank, 2023).
This chapter is in the “Issues” section for a simple reason: our oceans are in crisis. They have been mismanaged, or at best, not been managed at all, having been overfished and altered by pollution.
The 14th of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) initiated by UN member states is to “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development” (UN, 2015).
Measures that will turn the tide, so to speak, include:
- The setting of quotas on the amount of fish caught. Fish stocks are being taken from the oceans at unsustainable levels.
- Adopting measures to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. It reduces fish stocks, lowers local catches and harms the marine environment.
- Establishing networks of marine parks/ocean sanctuaries in which/near which activities like building and mining are prohibited.
Find updates on progress (or lack thereof) in the articles under the “Websites and publications” heading.
Take a minute to think about the oceans
International business environment
Find the 2024 edition of The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) at
The objective of the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) is that by 2030 30% of the land and 30% of the sea is designated as protected areas (commonly known as 30X30).
The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea lays out the rules of how far out a nation’s zone of influence extends beyond its shores. About two-thirds of the world’s oceans lie beyond national jurisdiction, and up to now there was no treaty protecting the “high seas”. In 2023, after nearly two decades of negotiations, 193 nations agreed on a High Seas Treaty at the Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ).
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies, adopted at the 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) in 2022, marked “a major step forward for ocean sustainability by prohibiting harmful fisheries subsidies, which are a key factor in the widespread depletion of the world’s fish stocks”.
- The Benguela Current Commission is a multi-sectoral inter-governmental initiative of Angola, Namibia and South Africa. See
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Clean Seas Campaign on Marine Litter
- Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)
- The Committee on Fisheries (COFI) exists as a subsidiary body of the FAO (see below).
- Deep Sea Conservation Coalition
- Find both “Aquaculture” and “Fisheries” under the themes option at, website of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
- GLOBAL DIALOGUE on Seafood Traceability
- Greenpeace International
- Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) –
- International Association of Fish Inspectors (IAFI) –
- The International Maritime Organization is a specialised agency of the United Nations responsible for regulating shipping. See
- International Ocean Institute –
- Marine Stewardship Council Certifying sustainable fishing
- Read about Regional fisheries management organisations (RFMOs) at
- South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization (SEAFO)
- Stop Illegal Fishing
-, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) website
- Find World Economic Forum reports like Ending Illegal Fishing: Data Policy and the Port State Measures Agreement at
- World Fishing & Aquaculture –
- WorldFish is an international, nonprofit research organization that harnesses the potential of fisheries and aquaculture to reduce hunger and poverty –
Find international articles and updates under the last heading on this page.
Some articles …
- Venter I. 2025, March 3. “Deep-sea research quest around African coast may aid fishing stock recovery”. Engineering News. Available at
- Paarlberg R. 2024, April 9. “West Africa’s falling fish stocks: illegal Chinese trawlers, climate change and artisanal fishing fleets to blame”. The Conversation. Available at
- Okafor-Yarwood I. & Onuoha F. 2023, April 26. “Africa’s oceans are being protected to serve the interests of big foreign corporates”. The Conversation. Available at
- March A. & Failler P. 2022, June 30. “How marine fisheries can add millions of tonnes to Africa’s catch”. The Conversation. Available at
- Okafor-Yarwood I. 2022, February 15. “African countries must protect their fish stocks from the European Union – here’s how”. The Conversation. Available at
Local business environment
Poaching, specifically of rock lobster and abalone, remains a threat.
Further reference:
- Reporter. 2025, March 7. “Police seize illegally harvested abalone worth R1.3m”. SA News. Available at
- Find the media release “Statistics show transformation in the country’s fishing sector” (2024, February 21) at
- Find the Status of the South African marine fishery resources, 2023 at
- Reporter. 2023, June 8. “Government committed to ensuring ocean sustainability”. SA News. Available at
- Find the briefing by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment (DFFE) on the state of South African fisheries (2023, March 28) at
- Vrey F. 2022, September 20. “South Africa is surrounded by sea but doesn’t have a plan to protect it: three steps to get one”. The Conversation. Available at
Small-scale fisheries
Livelihoods and food security in South Africa’s coastal provinces are intimately connected to small-scale fisheries. How does one balance restorative justice for communities discriminated against before 1994, be fair to established fishing companies and keep in mind sustainability levels? The Policy for the Small-Scale Fisheries Sector in South Africa (SSF policy) and the Marine Living Resources Act (MLRA) and its Amendment Act provide the framework to achieve transformation whilst looking after the country’s marine resources.
ABALOBI, “small-scale fisher” in isiXhosa, is the name given to the mobile app suite which aims to enable small-scale fishing communities to be incorporated into information and resource networks, which include fishery monitoring, maritime safety, local development and market opportunities. Restaurants source a diversity of fish directly from small-scale fishers through the ABALOBI MARKETPLACE app, and this significantly increases a fairer price for fish sold by small-scale fishers. See
Further reference:
- Van Diemel M. 2024, March. “Commitment to Small-scale Fishing Sector Growth”. Environment Quarterly. Available at
- Reporter. 2023, November 15. “62 small-scale fishing co-operatives get fishing rights in W Cape”. SA News. Available at
- Auld K. & Feris L. 2022, November 24. “South Africa’s small-scale fishers have been marginalised since apartheid – what needs to change”. Available at
- Find the FAO’s International Guidelines on Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries [SSF Guidelines] at and watch “FAO Policy Series: Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries” on YouTube.
National strategy and government contacts
The Oceans Economy Master Plan (OEMP) is “to advance stabilisation revival and growth of the sub-sectors within the ocean economy to ensure increased contribution to job creation, GDP, economic recovery and potential growth” (DFFE, 2023a; PMG, 2023a).
Operation Phakisa Aquaculture Lab Initiative’s Progress: (i) In total 45 projects are producing farmed aquatic animals as part of Operation Phakisa Oceans economy. (ii) Small-scale aquaculture implementation plan was finalised.(iii) Signed MOU in 2022 with Department of Small Business Development (DSBD, including Sefa and SEDA) for the support towards small-scale aquaculture (DFFE, 2023; PMG, 2023a).
Further reference:
- Reporter. 2024, August 29. “South Africa needs an Oceans Economy Strategy”. South African Business. Available at
- Reporter. 2023, June 8. “Government committed to ensuring ocean sustainability”. SA News. Available at
- The DFFE report on the state of South African fisheries (2023, March 28) at
- Read about the OEMP’s progress and expected deliverables in the DFFE’s progress report (2023, February 21) (PMG, 2023a) at
Government role players
- Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) Find “Oceans and Coasts” under “Branches” on the website.
Role players
Community, NGO and NPO Service Providers
Further reference:
- Fish South Africa is an umbrella body that includes among its members companies like Premier Fishing, I&J and Ocean Fishing. Associations affiliated to Fish SA are: South African Squid Management Industrial Association (SASMIA), South Coast Rock Lobster Industry Association (SCRLIA), West Coast Rock Lobster Association (WCRLA), South East Coast Inshore Fishing Association (SECIFA), South African Deep-Sea Trawling Industry Association (SADSTIA), South African Hake Longline Association (SAHLLA), South African Midwater Trawl Association (SAMTA), South African Tuna Association (SATA), Large Pelagic Small Medium & Micro Enterprises Association (LPSMME), South Africa Tuna Longline Association (SATLA) and South African Patagonian Toothfish Industry Association (SAPTIA).
Training and research
- Find information on the National Certificate: Fisheries Observation: Inshore and Certificate: Fisheries Observation: Deep Sea on the website.
Companies involved
- Some consultants can help with accessing the different financial incentives from government for Aquaculture Development and Enhancement Programme (ADEP)
Websites and publications
Visit the websites listed earlier on this page.
- African Journal of Marine Science. Find issues at
- Find the notes on marine fish at
- Call the ARC’s Agricultural Engineering at 012 842 4017 or email iaeinfo [at] for the leaflets “Agro-processing of Marine Foods (Fish products)”.
- Find the latest WWF-SASSI Retailer/ Supplier Participation Scheme report to ensure a sustainable seafood supply chain at
- Contact the Environmental Monitoring Group (EMG) for documents and DVDs like “The Sea Gives Me Hope – Artisanal fishers in changing times (2013, 4 min) – A brief look at some of the issues facing small-scale fishers and their concerns about climate change”. See
- Download “Octopus Factory Farming: A Recipe for Disaster” at
- Find the WWF SA‘s Oceans facts and futures: Valuing South Africa’s ocean economy and Oceans facts and futures: 2018 Ocean Scorecard at
- Benkenstein, A. 2015. “Achieving an Inclusive Blue Economy for Small-scale Fishers: Recommendations to the South African Parliament”. Governance of Africa’s Resources Programme: Policy Briefing 128. Johannesburg: South African Institute of International Affairs.
- Daniels, A., Gutierrez, M., Fanjul G., Guerena, A., Matheson I. and Watkins, K. 2016. Western Africa’s missing fish: the impacts of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing and under-reporting catches by foreign fleets. London: Overseas Development Institute. Available at
- Ocean & Coastal Management journal. See
- Find details of the annual Fishing Industry Handbook – South Africa, Namibia & Mozambique, and the Maritime Handbook of Southern Africa Fishing Industry Handbook at
Some articles
- Find blogs on Agribook like “June 5: A new marker” and “The value of the African fish”.
- Jacobs S. 2024, September 16. “Lucky Star-owner rides food inflation wave”. Daily Investor. Available at
- Neethling B. 2024, May 11. “The cheapest protein in South Africa – and it’s not chicken”. Daily Investor. Available at
- Krug M. 2024, March 11. “Technology to protect South Africa’s oceans: experts find that a data-driven monitoring system is paying off”. The Conversation. Available at
- Isaacs L. 2023, May 17. “Jobs at Lucky Star factory on West Coast at risk because of amended regulations”. Eye Witness News. Available at
- Petrik L. & Ojemaye C. 2022, May 29. “Marine life in a South African bay is full of chemical pollutants”. The Conversation. Available at
- Reporter. 2022, April 20. “Unlocking the potential of the oceans economy”. SA News. Available at
- Reporter. 2021, December 13. “Government accepts recommendations for West Coast Rock Lobster fishery”. SA News. Available at
- Rice W. 2021, November 21. “How South Africa can get communities involved in conserving coastal and marine areas”. The Conversation. Available at
- Majola G. 2021, June 17. “Trust asks SA to extend protection of the ocean”. IOL. Available at
- Fisher S. 2021, May 10. “Black gold: A fresh approach needed to tackle SA’s illegal abalone trade”. Eye Witness News. Available at
- Mabuza L. 2020, August 7. “OPINION: To turn SA into a maritime powerhouse will require more women to participate”. Business Report. Available at
- Arnoldi, M. 2019, May 27. “DEA declares 20 marine protected areas”. Engineering News. Available at
- Harvey, K. 2018, July 8. “Community’s dedication helps turtles thrive”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- Molewa E. 2018, June 24. “Healthy oceans mean a healthy marine economy, which SA sorely needs”. Business Day. Available at
- Reporter. 2017, April 13. “Keeping track of fish from sea to plate to keep illegally caught fish off store shelves”. BIZCommunity. Available at
- Find the latest The Sustainable Development Goals Report which measure progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. SDG 14 is Life below water.
- OECD. 2024. The Blue Economy in Cities and Regions: A Territorial Approach, OECD Urban Studies, OECD Publishing, Paris,
- Read about the Port State Measures, a binding international law and “one of the most efficient – and cost effective – ways to fight IUU fishing”, at
- Irschlinger T & Tipping A. 2023, March 8. “The WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies: A Reader’s Guide “. International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). Available at
- The Eco Friendly Ocean Guide: Ways to Sustain Oceans and Sealife – “Here are some of the key things that you need to know about ocean sustainability and how you can help”.
- Watch the FAO video “Take a minute to think about the oceans”.
- See also the earlier “International business environment” heading.
Some articles …
- See our blog “FAO Report: Global fisheries and aquaculture production reaches a new record high“.
- Jaynes CH. 2025, February 11. “27,000 Farmed Salmon Escape From Seafood Company off Norwegian Coast, Threatening Wild Fish”. EcoWatch. Available at
- Roberts C. 2024, October 21. “New report reveals that targets to save 30% of the ocean by 2030 aren’t being met”. The Conversation. Available at
- Hemingway Jaynes C. 2024, June 5. “World’s Oceans Face ‘Triple Threat’ of Oxygen Loss, Extreme Heat and Acidification, Study Finds”. EcoWatch. Available at
- Reporter. 2023, October 23. “Surge of formal acceptances of Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies — entry into force closer”. World Trade Organisation Available at
- Jaynes C. 2023, August 4. “Global Sea Surface Temperatures Reached New Record High in July”. EcoWatch. Available at
- Jaynes C. 2023, June 29. “Deep-Sea Mining Could Cause 25x the Biodiversity Loss of Land-Based Mining, Report Warns”. EcoWatch. Available at
- Bloomberg. 2023, April 4. “Companies can vie to mine the deep sea starting in July”. Daily Maverick. Available at
- Kim J. & Treisman R. 2023, March 7. “What to know about the new U.N. high seas treaty — and the next steps for the accord”. NPR. Available at
- Perry C. 2022, July 15. “Mercury in Fish: How Did It Get There and What To Do About It?” Anglers. Available at
- Martin N. 2022, June 7. “Alien species are moving across oceans faster: climate change will accelerate this”. The Conversation. Available at
- Gentle L. 2021, September 16. “Five things we learned about the state of the planet at the world’s biggest meeting of biodiversity experts”. The Conversation. Available at
- Duong T. 2021, April 2. “Netflix’s ‘Seaspiracy’: Viewers React to Commercial Fishing Industry Exposé”. EcoWatch. Available at
- Denny E. 2021, January 14. “100 Companies Dominate the Ocean’s Economy, Study Finds”. EcoWatch. Availabe at
- Nairn C. 2020, December 9. “Global Treaty Needed to Halt Deep Sea Mining, Greenpeace Investigation Concludes”. EcoWatch. Available at
- Climate Nexus. 2020, December 3. “14 Countries Commit to Ocean Sustainability Initiative”. Ecowatch. Available at
- The Economist. 2020, October 22. “Illicit fishing devastates the seas and abuses crews”. Available at
- Trethewey L. 2020, June 30. “Earth’s final frontier: the global race to map the entire ocean floor”. The Guardian. Available at
- Volcovici V. 2020, June 5. “Trump opens Atlantic sanctuary to commercial fishing”. Reuters. Available at
- Silver J., Acton L., Campbell L. & Gray N. 2020, June 4. “How a global ocean treaty could protect biodiversity in the high seas”. The Conversation. Available at
- McVeigh K. 2020, April 27. “Silence is golden for whales as lockdown reduces ocean noise”. The Guardian. Available at
- Lombrana L. 2020, April 18. “With fishing fleets tied up, marine life has a chance to recover”. IOL. Available at
- Carrington D. 2020, April 1. “Oceans can be restored to former glory within 30 years, say scientists”. The Guardian. Available at
- McKie R. 2020, January 25. “Race to exploit the world’s seabed set to wreak havoc on marine life”. The Guardian. Available at
- Boffrey D. 2019, October 3. “Ocean cleanup device successfully collects plastic for first time”. The Guardian. Available at
- In Deep Water: The Emerging Threat Of Deep Sea Mining, a report by Greenpeace can be read at
- View the beautiful undersea photos by Roger Grace (Greenpeace) at
- Rosane, O. 2019, May 31. “UK Government Adds New Marine Protected Areas Nearly 8x the Size of Greater London”. EcoWatch. Available at
- Associated Press. 2019, April 14. “Seychelles president issues underwater plea to protect oceans”. The Guardian. Available at
- Taylor, M. 2019, April 4. “Campaign to save oceans maps out global network of sanctuaries”. The Guardian. Available at
- Carrington, D. 2019, March 4. “Heatwaves sweeping oceans ‘like wildfires’, scientists reveal: Extreme temperatures destroy kelp, seagrass and corals – with alarming impacts for humanity”. The Guardian. Available at
- Carrington, D. 2018, July 26. “Almost all world’s oceans damaged by human impact, study finds”. The Guardian. Available at
- Kituyi M. & Thomson P. 2018, July 13. “90% of fish stocks are used up – fisheries subsidies must stop emptying the ocean”. World Economic Forum. Available at
- Carrington, D. 2018, July 9. “One in three fish caught never makes it to the plate – UN report”. The Guardian. Available at
- The Economist. 2018, July 5. “Can eco-tourism help save the ocean?” The Economist Films. Available at
- Carrington, D. 2018, January 4. “Oceans suffocating as huge dead zones quadruple since 1950, scientists warn”. The Guardian. Available at
- “Precision extinction: AI-piloted drone ships take illegal fishing to new – and even more unsustainable – levels” is one of the “Ten Global Risks in Terms of Likelihood and Impact” of 2018, compiled by the World Economic Forum.
- Find “3 Ways UN Leaders Can Restore the World’s Oceans” at
- Busby, M. 2017, November 25. “Mexico creates vast new ocean reserve to protect ‘Galapagos of North America’”. The Guardian. Available at
- Carrington, D. 2017, December 5. “Oceans under greatest threat in history, warns Sir David Attenborough”. The Guardian. Available at
- Gruby, R., Campbell, L, Fairbanks and Gray, N. 2017, November 24. “To Succeed, Large Ocean Sanctuaries Need to Benefit Both Sea Life and People”. Ecowatch. Available at