The poultry and chicken farming industry consists of three separate sectors: (i) The day-old chick supply industry (ii) The broiler industry, and (iii) The egg industry.
Broiler chickens are raised for meat i.e. fresh, frozen or value added (e.g. chicken fingers, saucy steaklets or polony). Egg layers or dual-purpose chickens are used for the production of eggs (they are lighter in weight than broilers, and so fattening cockerels from this second category with balanced feed bought in a bag is not as economically viable as doing the same with broilers).
International business environment
- The biggest chicken meat producing countries are the USA, Brazil, China, and the EU (USDA, 2024).
- The biggest consumers of chicken meat are the USA, China and Brazil.
- Brazil, USA, the EU and Thailand are the biggest exporters of chicken.
- The top importers are Japan, Mexico, UK, EU, and Saudi Arabia. South Africa is in position 9 (USDA, 2024).
Sources for international information include:
- For international projections and statistics find the latest OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook document at
- Find the current world production, market and trade reports at, the Foreign Agricultural Service arm of the US Department of Agriculture. The poultry circular is at
- USA Poultry and Egg Export Council (USAPEEC) –
- The Brazilian Association of Animal Protein (ABPA) markets poultry under the concept “Brazilian chicken”. Find the website at
-, and
- The International Egg Foundation (IEC) –
- International Poultry Council –
- World Poultry Foundation –
- World Poultry Science Association –
South Africa: imports and exports
In 2023, SA exported 48 534 tons of chicken meat to Lesotho, Namibia, Mozambique, Botswana, Eswatini, UAE, DRC and Angola (DTIC, 2024).
There has been a decline in imports, owing to five factors:
- increased duties on imports
- increases in global poultry prices
- a depreciation of the Rand (which makes imports more expensive)
- poultry Masterplan-linked investments in poultry production (in excess of R1,5 billion).
When government relaxes anti-dumping measures to improve food security (either in the face of inflation or shortages caused by the culling of flocks), domestic producers are exposed to imports.
Source: Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) Baselines 2024-2033, 2023-2032;
Further reference:
- Jardim S. 2025, January 27. “Poultry sector to pursue export-driven growth strategy – dtic”. Engineering News. Available at
- Pillay Y. 2025, January 12. “Local poultry sector rebounds thanks to import protection”. IOL. Available at
- Reporter. 2024, September 24. “Chicken imports are down, but far from out”. FAIRPLAY. Available at
- Reporter. 2024, September 9. “Why South Africa’s poultry exports have not taken off”. FAIRPLAY. Available at
- TradeProbe 96 (March 2024) includes the article “Trade profile of cooked chicken meat”.
- Read the blog “The strange case of the shortage that wasn’t“.
African business environment
Africa, which imports nearly 83% of the food it consumes, has a real chicken and egg problem. The continent is caught between pressure from imports in some countries and an inability to meet demand in others.
Africa’s chicken crisis is an expression of overall weaknesses in its agricultural system. If Africa cannot raise its grain production it cannot expect to do well in increasing its chicken output.
The solution to Africa’s chicken crisis lies in upgrading agricultural systems overall. Here are the major limitations:
- Low-cost, high-quality feed. Expanding feed production involves investing in grain production, especially corn and soya. Research to increase efficiency and expand the range of feed sources will go a long way in helping to upgrade overall system.
- The lack of starter stock (chicks and broilers bred specifically for meat production). Improvements in this area will require better breeding and extension programs akin to those needed for crops.
- Disease control. Disease control is a problem for both crop and livestock producers and requires more investment.
- Poor infrastructure (especially energy, transportation and water supply systems) is a major barrier to the expansion of chicken production, especially in rural areas. A lack of cold storage facilities forces farmers to keep feeding their chickens instead of slaughtering and refrigerating them. They generally transport live chickens to markets, which raises logistical costs and increases concerns over disease transmission.
- The lack of credit for producers. Countries that provide credit for crop producers to purchase seed and farm input have the opportunity to extend their incentives to chicken production. Most African countries lack such systems and it is unlikely that they will introduce them for poultry farming if they do not have them for crop production.
So far Africa can hardly feed its people. But even worse, it cannot feed its chickens so that it can feed its people. The chicken crisis is yet another reason why Africa must focus on getting its agricultural act together. The crisis is a warning to African leaders: they need to wake up with the chickens and act in time.
Source: excerpts from a piece written by Calestous Juma, professor of the Practice of International Development, Harvard University, at
Further reference:
- Linden J. 2025, January 21. “Ghana’s new government pledges support for poultry sector”. WATTPoultry. Available at
- Staff Reporter. 2022, May 13. “Poultry sector in Africa set for growth”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- Find SADC countries poultry reports at
Local business environment
Poultry jockeys with the maize industry for the position of biggest agricultural sector in South Africa.
In addition to its contribution to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product, the South African poultry industry remains an important contributor to job creation and employment opportunities, both in the formal and informal sector, with in excess of 80% of the industry consisting of SMMEs (Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises). Chicken also remains the most affordable source of protein.
Feed accounts for around 70% of production costs (BFAP, 2024). High feed prices as a result of the recent drought, the energy crisis which peaked in 2023, an outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and high food inflation were all recent challenges to the industry, meaning many smaller farmers were unable to survive (SAPA, 2023; BFAP, 2024).
Nonetheless, the Poultry Sector Master Plan has led to increased investments by domestic producers and “the capacity exists to expand” (BFAP, 2024). Read about the Poultry Sector Master Plan under the “National strategy and government contact” heading.
- Decreasing food inflation and “softening poultry prices” will boost the country’s consumption of chicken meat (USDA, 2024).
- Gains in soybean production and processing is set to be a key enabler of a projected growth in poultry production (BFAP, 2024).
- The national egg laying flock is usually 27 million hens.
- The egg industry is the fourth largest animal production industry after poultry, beef and milk production. Eggs are consumed as an affordable source of protein, and demand is projected to rise by an annual average rate of 2% for the ten-year period to 2033 (BFAP, 2024; SAPA, 2023).
Further reading:
- The website of the South African Poultry Association (SAPA),, is a first-stop about what is happening in the country. Industry profile, statistics and other information is available.
- On the internet find USDA Foreign Agricultural Service reports on the South African poultry sector like “Poultry and Products Annual” (2024, September 04).
- The annual Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP) Baseline looks at poultry under the “Outlook for Animal Products” section. Find the document at
- BFAP has previously done various studies into the poultry value chain. Its “Small Scale Broiler Production in SA” study, for example, “explores the possibilities for integration of small-scale farmers into the mainstream commercial broiler value chain in South Africa”.
- Subscribe to the newsletter from The Poultry Information Centre, which carries news, tips and technical information. Find out more at
- Find details of the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) value chain profiles, statistics and economic analyses under the “Websites and publications” heading towards the end of this page.
Some articles:
- Banya N. 2025, March 7. “Rainbow Chicken rebounds with profit surge, cautions on bird flu impact”. Bizcommunity. Available at
- Arnoldi M. 2024, November 18. “Astral swings to full-year profit, resumes dividend”. Engineering News. Available at
- Reporter. 2024, September. “RPO’s response to calls for a zero-VAT rating on frozen chicken”. Red Meat News. Available at
- Reporter. 2024, September 24. “Good news for chicken lovers”. FAIRPLAY. Available at
- Read our blogs “What South Africa can learn from the 2023 Avian Influenza outbreaks” (2024) and “Agribook Interview with Francois Baird” (2022).
- Burger S. 2024, May 13. “Poultry association calls for vaccination to prevent H7N6 avian influenza outbreak” . Polity. Available at
- Arnoldi M. 2023, October 20. “Sapa estimates R3bn loss to poultry industry after 7.5m birds culled”. Engineering News. Available at
Emerging farmer points of interest
Current situation:
- It is difficult for small farmers to enter into the retail supply chain, since it is looking for suppliers who can guarantee the demand at an acceptable price and quality. While some smaller producers can match the price and quality criteria, they are too small to supply the needed quantities.
- At present, emerging farmers sell their eggs to black-owned shops, spaza shops, butchers, hawkers, restaurants, hotels and to a small extent to white traders (e.g. cafes).
Future Market Growth:
- The African population represents the best market opportunities for emerging farmers.
- Distribution channels to the low-income groups need to improve and are doing so. The distribution of eggs to township spazas and door-to-door sales must be promoted.
- Catering companies, hawkers buying in bulk from producers, co-operatives, contracting and government tenders all represent possible markets.
- Many farmers do not adhere to the grading requirements as stipulated by legislation. For small-scale farmers to penetrate other markets it is important to begin following the regulations. Training in grading and packaging can open new markets for small-scale producers, especially on government tenders.
Co-operative Marketing:
- Black-owned co-operatives could be a vehicle for penetrating the formal marketing channels in South Africa.
- Through co-operatives, the produce of farmers can ensure larger supply of quantities, create a brand name, and have “muscle” to negotiate prices on behalf of farmers. The function of the co-operative can be to look for markets for members and also assist in preparing the produce (grading and packaging) and marketing it.
Possible Strategies:
- Contracting: Small-scale farmers can enter into a contract with a processing or a packaging plant, or an integrated company to supply a stipulated number of eggs or chickens at a time. This provides a steady market for the small-scale farmer.
- Supply to Consumers: Consumers can buy chickens or eggs at the farm stalls. The farmer can employ a door-to-door sales representative to take orders in the township.
- Supply to Hawkers: Eggs can be sold to hawkers on a regular basis. Since most hawkers have a transport problem, the farmer can entice them by delivering the eggs at their sheds.
- Supply to Hospitality Trade: Supply to hotels, restaurants, caterers, township bed & breakfast, guest houses and shebeens. There are many tourist initiatives and developments in the townships that need to be catered for.
- Supply to Township Cold Storage Distributors: some entrepreneurs have positioned themselves in the townships and other former black areas to distribute eggs. The concept here is “to bring the product to the consumer”, to reduce the transport constraint. Small-scale farmers can supply these distribution centres.
- Supply Through Tendering: Every year tenders from the government departments (e.g. correctional services, hospitals, etc.) are published for the supply of chickens and eggs. Small-scale farmers stand a change because of the system designed for the previously disadvantaged individuals, provided they can meet the price, quality and quantity requirements.
- Supply Mining Houses: Mines have kitchens and hospitals that are serviced by caterers (in-house or as an outsourced service. Some of these mines are now owned by black empowerment groups who can be lobbied to empower small-scale farmers. Before starting a chicken or poultry venture, check on any applicable regulations/legal considerations with your local authority or through associations listed in this chapter.
Source: the Agricultural Marketing Extension Training Paper 9 at
For the newcomer
Find the many guides and articles for beginners under the “Websites & publications” heading.
Before starting a chicken or poultry venture, check on any applicable regulations/legal considerations with your local municipal authority. Similarly, anyone wishing to start a poultry abattoir should know that there are legal, health and safety requirements to meet. Find the necessary checklists on
To make money with poultry, be prepared to work hard! Chickens must be checked, fed and given water every day. If you are farming with layers, you must collect eggs regularly.
Ask yourself:
1) Do you want to produce eggs or meat?
- Profit margins on eggs are small, but it can work if you have a good marketing strategy.
- Adding value to your eggs is one plan e.g. sell boiled eggs at a taxi rank.
- Layers will provide eggs almost every day, and after a year you can sell them for replacements
- For meat, the three ways to market are: contract growing (produce chickens for large companies), live chicken sales, and frozen chicken sales. With the last one, you will need special facilities beyond the budget of most beginners, but if you can secure a contract, then this will be worth it.
2) Where is your market? Who are the customers?
3) At what price can you sell and still make a profit?
4) Can you produce enough to secure a contract?
5) Do you have all the information you need?
- Do the premises meet your municipality’s zoning specifications?
- Do you have access to fresh water and electricity?
- Do your neighbours mind having a chicken business next door?
- Do you have space on the premises for future growth?
Various tips
- Make sure any training you go for is practical
- Buy day-old chicks (rather than breeding them) and grow them up for slaughter
- Don’t raise your own chickens if you are producing eggs; it will be cheaper to buy hens that are near the stage of laying.
- Breeding day-old chicks for sale can be done if you have a large market, but otherwise leave this to the large companies who specialise in this.
- Big producers use specially selected breeds to produce on a large scale, and this is done in strictly controlled facilities that cost millions of rand. Far more suitable for smaller producers are indigenous breeds (e.g. Boschvelder) or old standard breeds like the Australorp, Potchefstroom Koekoek, Rhode Island Red or New Hampshire. These are hardier and more disease resistant. They are also ideal for the informal market and the live-chicken market.
- Feed for your chickens will be the most expensive running cost. If you buy feed along with other farmers you can negotiate a better price.
Sources: A series of articles for beginners in the April 2011 editions of Farmer’s Weekly.
One surprise in a previous BFAP Baseline was that in a time of great challenge for commercial poultry producers, small-scale production in rural areas was found to be “quite profitable whilst playing an important role in the market” (BFAP, 2020; 2016). The Baseline has also included the discussion “Small-scale poultry production – how small is big enough”.
Samuel and Zoleka Joka run one of the successful small-scale broiler operation in Bumbane village, on the outskirts of Keiskammahoek. Below are some of the points included in the advice given by the Jokas and Fumanekile Ngqokweni, the extension officer:
- Success is linked to the ability to access start-up capital and skill to grow broilers successfully.
- The new farmer has to renovate or build adequate facilities, buy equipment (e.g. heaters, self-feeders, drinking pans, sawdust), feed and chicks. This is quite a capital outlay before you get anything back.
- Samuel stressed the importance of training
- He advises beginners to start small – say 50 chicks – and build volume with experience, thereby minimising the risk of initial failure
- Disease control is vital. Growers can radically decrease the probability of disease through correct management e.g. ensure clean water and watch the general cleanliness of production areas (disease can spread through contaminated drinking water, food and chicken waste).
- Before a new batch of chickens is introduced to the pen, clean it thoroughly and rest it for at least ten days.
- The temperature should be kept at about 30oC in the first two weeks.
- There must be significant air circulation during hot periods. During cold times, heat should be generated using heaters and infrared lamps.
- Wood shavings should be evenly distributed in the pens: this ensures cleanliness and the retention of heat. The Jokas have two structures: a large rondavel with large windows where they rear their chicks up to four weeks, after which they are transferred to a large wooden shed fitted with canvas flaps (that can be lifted) and ceiling fans to ensure circulation.
Source: Adapted from the article “Broilers transform Keiskammahoek” at
National strategy and government contacts
- Find the list of state vets on or refer to the “Animal health” page.
- Find notes on the various laws affecting poultry production at
November 2019 saw the announcement of a Poultry Sector Master Plan. The plan sought “to expand the industry by increasing capacity at all stages of the value chain manufacturing of feed, farming of chickens and processing of poultry product – thereby increasing fixed investment, employment and the value of output” (DALRRD, 2019).
The plan brought together labour, government and business; processors, producers and importers. It set out a new joint vision across the value chain, identified five pillars that underpinned the vision, and created a Poultry Sector Master Plan Council to monitor and drive implementation of the pillars.
Find the Poultry Sector Master Plan review and presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture (2024, September 03) at
Find contact details and information on the different Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) directorates at The document “Guidelines on key requirements for governments markets – bread, eggs and dairy products” is also relevant and can be accessed on DALRRD website.
- International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa (ITAC)
- National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC)
Animal welfare
- Poultry welfare is addressed by a new National Standard through the South African Bureau of Standards, set to replace the 2012 SAPA Code of Practice. In the meantime, the Animals Protection Act No 71 of 1962 applies.
- Find the NSPCA educational resources – which include Take Care of your Chickens, and Carry your chickens correctly – at
Role players
Further reference:
Training and research
- SAPA arranges training courses. These include broiler flock management, broiler breeder flock management, commercial layer management and hatchery management. Contact SAPA in connection with these. Refer to the “Training” option at Included in the material offered are training videos which can be accessed on YouTube.
- The Agricultural Colleges working with Provincial Departments of Agriculture, offer poultry courses.
- Many AgriSETA-accredited training providers offer poultry courses. Find the list at (under “Skills delivery” option). On the same website, read about learnerships and apprenticeships, a combination of on-the-job learning along with some theoretical training. The major part of the training can be offered on the farm.
- Also see the Agribook “Agricultural education and training” page.
Companies involved
- Also refer to other relevant pages on the Agribook website e.g. Animal Feeds, Biosecurity, Animal health and more.
Producers and processors
- Find the list of Halaal poultry dealers at
- Find the list of poultry abattoirs at
Websites and publications
Visit the websites listed earlier on this page.
- Pluimvee/Poultry Bulletin – a monthly magazine issued by SAPA. Previous copies are available on their website,, as PDFs. The “Training” option also provides access to material like the Broiler Book, Hatchery Book, Housing and more.
- Wethli, E., Berold, R. 2002. The Southern African Chicken Book. Juta. Available from KwaZulu-Natal Poultry Institute – 033 346 0049.
- A Guide for Beginner Poultry Farmers – available from the ARC. Call 012 672 9153 or visit Numerous pamphlets for producers are also available from the ARC in Irene.
- See the “Backyard Chickens – Beginner’s Guide” web page at
- Find the World Poultry Foundation training videos at
- Visit for the DVD entitled “Successful Broiler Production”. A number of publications are also stocked, including: (i) Raising poultry Leonard S Mercia (ii) Raising Chickens Gail Damerow (iii) Hoenderproduksie – Braaikuikens and Chicken Production (Broilers) Dr Jean A Cilliers, and (iv) Guide to Poultry Production, Dr Jean A Cilliers.
- Dicla training provides the DVD “Care for commercial layers”. Visit
- Several publications are available on the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development website, (1) The annual Livestock: Broiler Market Value Chain Profile and Livestock: Egg Market Value Chain Profile. (2) Reports on the poultry and egg markets. (3) The excellent Training Paper on broilers and eggs (look for “Agricultural Marketing Extension Training Papers”.
- A number of producer booklets can be found: i) Poultry – A guide to the most important poultry diseases and their management (ii) Poultry – Are my chickens healthy (iii) Poultry – Chicken care (iv) Poultry – Disease prevention in chickens (Afrikaans) (v) Poultry – Disease prevention in chickens (vi) Poultry – External parasites on chickens (vii) Poultry – Feather, skin and leg conditions (Afrikaans) (viii) Poultry – Feather, skin and leg conditions (ix) Poultry – Gut conditions in poultry (x) Poultry – Marking of poultry meat (xi) Poultry – Nervous conditions in chickens (Afrikaans) (xii) Poultry – Nervous conditions in chickens (xiii) Poultry – Newcastle disease (xiv) Poultry – Respiratory diseases in chickens (Afrikaans) (xv) Poultry – Small-scale egg production (xvi) Poultry – Diseases.
- Anyone wishing to start a poultry abattoir should know that there are legal, health and safety requirements to meet. Find the necessary checklists on
- Call 012 842 4017 or email iaeinfo [at] for the following publications, available from the ARC in Silverton: (i) Small-scale broiler house (also available in Afrikaans) (ii) Heating of broilers and broiler housing (also available in Afrikaans) (iii) Small-scale poultry housing in South Africa (iv) Agro-processingof Poultry (Chicken & Turkey).
- is a useful website for information on how to keep chickens.
- Subscribe to the Poultry Information Centre newsletter. Write to rod [at]
- Available from the SPCA: Chicken Care Booklet. Try your local branch of contact the National SPCA 011 907 3590/1/2
- Find the Broiler Management Guide and Layer Management Guide PDFs at, under the Rossgro Agri Services option.
- Kleyn, R. 2013. Chicken Nutrition: A guide for nutritionists and poultry professionals. Santa Rosa: Context Publications.
- Bell, D. 2002. Commercial Chicken Meat and Egg Production. 5th ed. New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- The monthly magazine Poultry Focus Africa. Visit
- Find the “Chickens” option at
Some articles
- Find the Meadow Feeds technical articles for layers, broilers and breeders at
- See our blog “Peroxsil – helping to secure markets and crop and livestock health”.
- Tembo P. 2024, December 2. “Self-taught poultry farmer shows how small start leads to big wins”. Food for Mzansi. Available at
- Reporter. 2023, October 19. “Gene editing gives hope for permanent bird flu solution”. FairPlay. Available at
- Reporter. 2023, July 20. “Bust Those Chicken Feed Myths”. SA Smallholder. Available at
- Kriel G. 2022, June. “Markets – the key to success”. Poultry Bulletin. Available at
- Louw-Cotezee M. 2022, June 14. “Choosing the right feed for your chickens”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- Reporter. 2021, November 17. “How To Start An Egg Business”. South African Smallholder. Available at
- Reporter. 2021, May 1. “Choose Your Chicken”. SA Smallholder. Available at
- Phillips L. 2021, January 13. “Backyard broiler business: Start small, dream big”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- Reporter. 2020, November 2. “Checkers deal with Farmer Angus Eggs boosts black-owned regenerative agriculture”. Bizcommunity. Available at
- Reporter. 2020, October 27. “Poultry litter to biogas: adding more value to farm waste”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- Kriel G. 2020, September 16. “How to succeed with small-scale chicken farming”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- Kriel G. 2020, July 11. “Building a mega business through egg production”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- Brody S. 2020, February 9. “Make money with free-range chickens”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- Dean S. 2019, September 6. “How to make a living running a small-scale broiler operation”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- Wang, P. 2019, February 15. “28 Cheap And Clever DIYs For Anyone Who Raises Chicken”. Buzzfeed. Available at
- Uys, G. 2018, December 12. “Free-range chickens: Part-time farmer’s success on rented land”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- Kriel, G. 2018, November 16. “A healthy profit from pasture-raised eggs”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- Den Hartigh, W. 2018, July 26. “Tips for better chicken house heating and ventilation”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- Torsius, M. 2018, May 21. “How to handle 240 000 eggs a day”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- Nel, C. 2017, October 7. “Free-range eggs add value for commercial producer”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- Reporter. 2017, January 26. “Securing a market for your chickens”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- Find “Farming eggs for family and profit” at
- Phillips, L. 2014, October 6. “Expert advice on feeding layer hens”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at
- Surehatch. 2013, July 8. “ How to start your own poultry business”. Farmer’s Weekly. Available at