Agricultural shows and events


Agricultural shows and events are a time to celebrate the harvest and the achievements in different sectors which make up agriculture. They are a time when people involved in the agricultural value chain meet up again,  network and review the latest technologies and trends. A number of these events occur in South Africa, and we have listed many of these.

This page is in no way the full picture, and the reader is referred to the agricultural weeklies, Landbouweekblad and Farmer’s Weekly, or their websites to find a calendar of the latest shows. Visit and

Find details of many shows, mostly in the Western Cape, at Some of these, in turn, have their own websites e.g.

Some agricultural role players like the Agricultural Business Chamber (Agbiz) keep their members informed of agricultural events through their newsletters or on their websites.

Our stall at NAMPO a few minutes after sunrise. The first waves of visitors happen already at this time. If you, the exhibitor, are outside buying coffee or taking in the view you will miss them.

Role players

Note: Click to expand the headings below. To get a free listing on our website like the ones below, visit here for more information or place your order hereDisclaimer: The role player listings are not vetted by this website.

Grain SA – Grain SA is responsible for Nampo Harvest Day and Nampo Cape (see next heading).
AGRI Gauteng – See AGRI Gauteng Expo under the next heading
International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) – Events are run for the fresh produce supply chain. Find details on the website.

Du Plessis, Marianna – Conference organiser and tour guide to international shows like Fruit Logistica Berlin, Germany; ExpoAgro Argentina; SIMA international agribusiness agricultural trade show, Paris; and Nampo Agribusiness Tour, Bothaville.

Royal Agricultural Society of Natal – The Royal Agricultural Society of Natal hosts the Royal Show – “South Africa’s oldest and largest mixed agricultural event” – and the Sunday Tribune Garden Show, the country’s “largest horticultural event”.
Agri-Expo – Agri-Expo is an agricultural organisation which runs numerous shows and events e.g. the South African Cheese Festival, SA Dairy Championship, various equestrian and breeder events and championships.
Agri Letaba – Agri Letaba, a farmer’s association affiliated to Agri SA, runs the Letaba Expo (find details on the website).

Shows and conferences

Some international shows

Note that international conferences are periodically held in South Africa.

Websites and publications

View the websites listed earlier on this page.